Find Drivers Through Hardware Id Database

Open the Device Manager. This utility lists all of your connected hardware, and will display devices that are not working correctly. Motorola Q Hard Reset Verizon Droid there.
There are a couple of different ways to open the Device Manager. • Any version of Windows - Press ⊞ Win+ R and type devmgmt.msc. This will launch the Device Manager. • Any version of Windows - Open the Control Panel and switch the view to either Large or Small icons using the drop-down menu in the upper-right. Select 'Device Manager'.
• Windows 8.1 - Right-click on the Start button and select 'Device Manager'. Understand how Hardware IDs are formatted. You don't have to worry about deciphering the whole thing, but there are two aspects that can help you identify the product if a Google search fails. The VEN_XXXX is a code that indicates the manufacturer (vendor).
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The DEV_XXXX is the specific model of hardware (device). Below are some of the more common VEN_XXXX codes: • Intel – 8086 • ATI/AMD – 1002/1022 • NVIDIA – 10DE • Broadcom – 14E4 • Atheros – 168C • Realtek – 10EC • Creative – 1102 • Logitech – 046D. Use the PCI Database site to track down hardware. You can use the Vendor and Device IDs you extracted above to search the database at Enter the four-digit Vendor ID ( VEN_XXXX) into the Vendor Search field, or the four-digit Device ID ( DEV_XXXX) into the appropriate field and click the 'Search' button.

• The database is extensive but does not contain every piece of hardware. There's a chance that your search won't return results.
• The database is deigned for PCI slot hardware, including graphics cards, sound cards, and network adapters. - Hardware Identify For Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8, 8.1, 2012, 10 (32 & 64 Bit) v2.1.1 Installer (7.44 MB) - Mirror #1 - Mirror #2 - Mirror #3 - Direct Download Portable (7.98 MB) - Mirror #1 - Mirror #2 - Mirror #3 - Direct Download - Hardware Identify will help identify unknown hardware on your system. This program does not help you download drivers but helps let you know what the hardware is so you know what drivers to find. For example say you just reinstalled a computer and the device manager shows multiple unknown hardware with no drivers installed. Well you don't know what drivers to find since you don't know what the hardware is. Now with - Hardware Identify you can see what that hardware is. The program also has a easy option to help improve the device database. Once you have all drivers installed you can have the program check for any hardware on the system that isn't in the database and submit it to
With in a few days the database will be updated and the device list will grow with the help of users like you! - Hardware Identify Change Log. V2.1.1 Updated the program to show the icons for the hardware devices in Windows XP and also to better display the icons on other versions of windows for any that are not setup like default. Updated the program to pull the unknown or 'Other Devices' icon. The class id for unknown or other devices is empty in the registry, so no icon was able to be pulled. The program now takes any device with no class id as unknown or other devices and shows the proper icon.
Fixed bug where tab control wasnt changing colors. Other small interface changes. V2.1.0 The program now adds any device with no class id to the no drivers installed tab and hardware with problems tab. This is because in Windows 10 when drivers are not installed it no longer reports error code 28 (No drivers installed) and instead reports as 0 (ok).
Updated Codejock Controls to v17.2.0 v2.0.1 Small bug fix, the program wasn't reporting 'Standard VGA Graphics Adapter' under the missing drivers tab like it should. This was do to a typo on my part, I had VGS instead of VGA. V2.0.0 The program use to give a drop down option to choose how to show the devices. This has been changed and is now a tabbed view with each list loaded at once. This way there is no more having to refresh each list one by one.
The program now pulls and shows the device manager icon for the hardware. Updated color settings. Updated controls to the new Codejock v17 controls. (List views and Tabs) Major code updates, changes, cleanup and speed improvements. V1.5.0 Updated multiple controls and cleaned up code. Added new 'Lookup Selected Device' button on the main window, some users didn't realize they could double click on a item in the list to look it up in the database, so I added this button so new users will have an easier time with the program.
Updated the graphics and layout of the program. Changed the default color scheme from the old default dark to the new lighter default. Users can always change the colors if they like. V1.4.0 Moved the image controls used in the program into a ocx file. Cnc Dovetail Software. This has reduced the size of the main exe by 460 KB.
Also making the program more stable and require less memory. Multiple interface code tweaks and enhancements. V1.3.0 Fixed a bug where sometimes Windows would return an empty string for the name of a unknown device (No drivers installed). Since there was no name the program didn't list the device. This has now been fixed. V1.2.1 Fixed rare bug in the improve database function where sometimes it would think a device is already in the database when it wasnt. V1.2.0 Added a new option to change all the program colors (under the settings tab).
The user can now control the colors of the program and even save their color layout as a preset. This is very helpful for colorblind, or hard of seeing users or just users who don't like my default colors:-) Changed the default colors of the program.
Replaced the green text with a easier to read color. Also change the button colors to stand out more and multiple other changes.
A large amount of interface and layout changes. Add a option to disable the program for checking for updates at startup.
Updated the improve database function. The program has always asked users to only submit English results, which no one seems to read or care about lol. So I made a function to remove devices that have non English words in them since the database is English only.
The function works by looking for keywords which are in a text file with the program. As I update the keyword list it will get updated along with the database.
This way I don't have to release a new version just to update the keywords. Multiple code changes and improvements. V1.1.0 Complete redesign of the device database.
The program was using a normal text file and would loop through to find your device. While this worked fast it would take around 5 to 10 secs to search for your hardware. As the device database grows that would become slower and slower. I have redone the database into a proper database file and set it up in a way to make sure nothing is duplicated to help keep size down.
While the new database does make for about a 15% larger file it now gives me the proper method to do searches in the database. Now pulling up your hardware from the database is nearly instant:-D Changed the device lookup window to automatically move all devices that match with the longest id at the top of the list. The longer the ID the better chance it is the right device.
Because of the larger database size I have changed the downloaded database file from a zip to a 7-zip file since I can get a much better compression. As an example the current database compressed into a zip file is 2.72 MB while compressed into a 7-zip file it is only 1.36 MB. The smaller the file the faster the download when updating the database in the program. Multiple code changes and improvements. V1.0.0 First Release.