The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Pc Full Game Download

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Director(s) Eric Gewirtz Sean Soucy, Release •: January 9, 2009 •: January 13, 2009 Mode(s), The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a 2009 action game developed by and published. It is derived from film trilogy, and borrows many gameplay mechanics from Pandemic's games. The game allows the player to play as both the forces of good and evil, but unlike, the latter option is based around stopping the from being destroyed and using it to regain his lost power.
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (LOTR: BFME II) is a real-time strategy game developed by EA Los Angeles and published by EA Games.

Pandemic was aided by in developing the game. They provided many of their digital models, including the. Pandemic also used elements that were cut from the films, and have taken inspiration from 's series, such as a level based loosely around 's conquest of, in which attempts to retake the city from the.
Some inspiration was less direct: the of and decide not to attack in the novel, but a level in the game is based on what might possibly have happened if they had. The game uses 's score to the films as its soundtrack. Players have the ability to ride animal mounts and slay large enemies, such as the. The player takes the role of a soldier of Rohan, Gondor, Rivendell, Harad, Mordor or Isengard, depending on the campaign or side the player chooses. The game is generally objective based, requiring the player to defeat a certain amount of enemies, or hold a position until a timer runs out. If a soldier dies the game continues from the point of death and the death has no impact on the storyline or flow of the game. However a player is given a certain amount of lives and if those are used up he/she must repeat the entire level.
In the, containing eight levels, the player loosely follows the major battles of the films with some additions such as the Mines of Moria and Minas Morgul. In the Rise of Sauron campaign, the player controls the forces of Sauron in a reworking of the storyline set over seven levels of a film called The final war for Middle Earth. In this story, the Dark Lord reclaims the ring when Frodo Baggins was corrupted by and failed to destroy the One Ring. The hobbit is then killed by the Witchking of Angmar, leading to Sauron subsequently conquering Middle Earth. Both campaigns are by, who played in 's film trilogy.
The game uses a class-based character system, similar to the system found in Pandemic's previous game Star Wars: Battlefront. There are four playable classes. Are a combat unit which focus on.
Unlike the other classes, whose special attacks recharge over time, warriors can only gain energy by defeating enemies, which allows them to unleash more powerful attacks with a, such as spinning to hit every adjacent enemy. They are the only class that can or perform with special moves. The warrior also has a as a secondary, medium ranged weapon. Are better suited for long range combat and are equipped with a and. Different types of arrows can be equipped:, which can knock down enemies and deal explosive damage;, which slow enemies down and do damage over time, and the ability to fire a volley of three normal arrows at multiple enemies at once. They also have a kick for use in, which knocks back the enemy. They can also hit concealed Scouts with the multiple arrow skill.
A headshot will allow the archer to kill most enemies in a single hit. Are masters in the art of moving unseen. The scout’s primary weapons are two daggers, and he has the ability to become temporarily and units instantly from behind with a.
As a secondary attack, he carries satchel filled with as a ranged attack. The scout can also block melee attacks. Finally, serve as the magic class. A mage's primary attack is a, which can be charged up for a more powerful attack that can also damage other enemies in close proximity to the target.
He also wields a “firewall” attack, which creates an expanding circle of flames that will heavily damage if not kill enemies who are within the circle. For close range attacks, they have a attack, which knocks enemies back and allows the mage to finish them off with his. Mages can also allies. For defensive purposes, a mage can create a magical around himself to protect anyone inside from ranged attacks of any sort, provided the attacker is outside of the shield, which allows people to walk through. While the shield ability is active, the mage is unable to do anything else and is therefore highly vulnerable to melee attacks. The player can occasionally gain the opportunity to play as a or an, which are also used by and, while far stronger than any normal class, are vulnerable to instantaneous kills by Warriors and Scouts through the use of.
Any class can ride a mount: for the Men of the West and and for Sauron and ’s forces. Mounts are useful for quickly traversing large areas, but are highly vulnerable and a single hit against one will result in the player being knocked off (with the exception of the oliphaunt, which has an enormous amount of health).
The player wields a when, regardless of their class, and is only allowed to use basic attacks. Mounts also have the power to trample enemies when riding.
Depending on the game's settings during multiplayer matches, or during certain periods of the campaign, players will have the opportunity to control heroes, many of whom include the heroes and villains of Lord of the Rings. The heroes are usually based on the four primary class archetypes, controlling very similarly to their standard non-hero counterparts, but are also far more powerful, though not invincible. In the Nintendo DS version, gameplay features are greatly reduced. The Scout class is unavailable and mounts are non-existent. In addition, the playing perspective is and six maps were shipped with the game. All classes start out relatively weak, but fallen enemies will drop orbs that allow the player to their current character’s attack power and speed, resetting after the player.
After a level is over, a post-game statistics screen will appear to show the player’s performance and to award them in-game achievements for their accomplishments (not allowing allies to die, for instance). Development and release [ ].
Reprises his role as. He is the only original cast member to appear in the game outside of cutscenes. The Lord of the Rings: Conquest was announced on May 8, 2008 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It was promoted at in,, where press were able to play a build of the game. It also made an appearance at German Games Convention in, that same year. Pandemic Studios began by creating the iconic battlefields seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, then included additional locales. They cited the films as their primary source of inspiration, but noted that when necessary they took liberties to apply those stories to an action video game.
Pandemic sought to create a 'hyper real' experience according to Gewirtz. In an example he stated that rather that take actor 's performance, the character in the game performs moves which Mortensen himself may not have been able to capture. The books were a secondary source of inspiration for locales and battles. In early hands-on demos to the press several features, such as animal mounts, were not yet available. During subsequent demonstrations the press noticed vast improvements, and eventually the inclusion of mounts.
Developers updated their engine to allow for 150 units to be on the battlefield at one time. The game is powered by an upgraded version of ', and was developed by the same team that worked on the first two installments. Conquest director Eric Gewirtz said the team was 'throwing around these ideas, and in perfect serendipity, happened to get access to the Lord of the Rings license, and that was just the center for us on making this game.' 's music, composed for the film trilogy, was used in the game. The film actors reprise their roles in cutscenes, which are archived footage from the film.
In-game likenesses are based on their film counterparts. Reprises his role as and serves as the game's narrator. All other cast members were replaced by voice doubles. Voices Aragorn, voices, voices the white wizard, and stands in for as.
The game was first released in Europe on January 9, 2009, with a North American release following four days later on January 19, 2009. The first downloadable content (DLC) was released on January 29, 2009, for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It featured two maps for the game mode Hero Arena, which was not in the shipped game due to time constraints. This mode allows for arena-style battles with up to three friends. The maps themselves are merely broken down versions of levels in the campaigns, specifically sections of and Moria. A second pack of downloadable content was released February 26, 2009, on the same platforms which contained three new heroes,, and, two new maps, and, and two new Hero Arenas, and.
On March 16, 2010, just over a year after the game's release, the online multiplayer modes of Conquest were shut down by publisher Electronic Arts. Reception [ ] Reception Aggregate scores Aggregator Score 57.10% 55% Review scores Publication Score 4/10 5/10 4.75/10 7.5/10 2.5/5 2/10 Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 (US): 7.0/10 Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 (UK): 6.0/10 PC: 7.0/10 DS: 6.7/10 4/10 61% 6/10 Reception for The Lord of the Rings: Conquest was mixed to negative. The majority of reviews claimed that the game lacked any of the epic feel of the movies or novel.
CVG commented on Sauron's appearance in the War of the Last Alliance as akin to a ' villain' chasing the player while 'you backtrack and shoot arrows into his face'. Battles were criticized by many reviewers as being repetitive, becoming mere 'hack 'n [ ] slash scuffles'. CVG also commented on the lack of difficulty in killing some of the larger enemies, such as trolls and Mumakil, slating the quick-time events that allowed them to be killed with a single blow, making them lose all of their potential when fighting against them and making them 'frustrating' to control in multiplayer.
Another common complaint was the 'parody-style liberties' the game took with the Lord of the Rings license that would have 'Tolkien in his grave'. Other reviews were even more critical of the game, Games Radar stating that The Lord of the Rings: Conquest lacked even 'one redeeming quality'. A common complaint were graphics being well below modern standards, Games Radar likening the troll and Ent models to ' diarrhea' and IGN stating that 'friend and foe alike blend into one messy brown blur'. Most reviews cited poor characterization and plot, most often in regards to 's participation in the battle of. Another common source of annoyance was the in-game announcer, who 'bellows' objectives and hints to the player incessantly. IGN criticized the 'redundancy' of combat, stating that all four classes were essentially identical to play as, even between the two separate campaigns, and that heroes were merely 'class characters on '.
They also complained about the combat system as a whole, in that the player can '[slam] buttons and [see] no result'. Other reviews also mentioned combat as being unrealistic, one example being if the player falls from a high position they 'won't so much as buckle at the knee' which gives a 'weightless, videogamey feel' that contradicts the 'grand scale. Of the universe'. IGN did, however, praise the game for its 'easily recognizable' locations, though said that the plot for the Rise of Sauron campaign could have been 'stronger', while Game Informer believed that there was no story of any kind 'outside of clips stolen from the motion picture'. IGN commended the game's musical score and claimed that 'diehard fans of both online, class-based games and The Lord of the Rings' would enjoy the game, a view not shared by some other reviewers who believed that fans of the books would be the most likely to hate it.
IGN also commented on the 'universally bad' voice acting, specifically mentioning the impersonators for and. The game's was often cited as another weakness of the game, with IGN listing glitches such as an enemy walking off a cliff and 'saving us the bother of having to defeat him in combat'. Eurogamer stated that the player's allies were 'AI-impoverished', stepping into the player's line of fire 'before sauntering off and oblivious', while Game Informer said that the AI appears to be ' on as they stare blankly at walls and sunsets'. The lack of mid-level or a was also quoted as a weakness, forcing the player to restart a level if they fail to complete an objective. Balance issues with the game were commented on by reviewers as needing work, IGN saying that the mage class was 'clearly overpowered' and believing that, due to the mage's ability to heal himself, the class is 'the correct choice 90 percent of the time'.
Club also stated that the scout class was 'a 's dream' in multiplayer. The Official Xbox Magazine cited objectives where the player must hold a position for a certain length of time while being by enemy forces, a common problem being that, if the player is killed, by the time the player has respawned, the location has been overrun before they have a chance to fight back. Many reviewers also complained about the lack of enemies on screen, CVG saying that the 'cardboard cut-outs in the background' were the most exciting part of a battle. Telugu Desam Party Audio Songs Download. Multiplayer was regarded as a disappointment, the game's servers 'plagued by connection problems and lag', even without the full sixteen players possible.
They also cited a lack of as a weakness, the 'wide, open levels [feeling] sparse and under-populated' without them. Club slated multiplayer as 'glitchy', sometimes placing the player 'in a one-on-one match of capture the flag'.
In the DS version of the game, AI problems were again mentioned, the player's allies '[running] around like a Hobbit with its head cut off'. The lack of checkpoints and sub-standard graphics were also raised, along with lag during multiplayer and combat being unsatisfying, the reviewer not getting 'a sense that you are clashing swords and with your opponents'. The review also pointed out that the game seems much as though 'the license is really just skinned onto capture the flag'. References [ ].
• ^ 'The Lord of the Rings: Conquest,' Previews, Issue #183, pages 54–55. • ^ Press Release (October 30, 2008)... Retrieved October 30, 2007. • Goldstein, Maarten (2008-10-30)... Retrieved 2008-10-30.
• ^ Parkin, Simon (2009-01-16).. Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Roper, Chris (August 21, 2008)... Retrieved March 22, 2017.
• ^ Watters, Chris (2008-12-09)... Retrieved 2009-01-14. • ^ Hatfield, Daemon (2009-01-13)..
Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Roper, Chris (May 8, 2008)...
Retrieved March 21, 2017. • ^ Ahearn, Nate (December 11, 2008)... Retrieved March 21, 2017. Retrieved March 21, 2017.
Retrieved 2009-05-29. Retrieved 2010-02-16. Retrieved 2009-01-23. Retrieved 2009-01-26. • ^ Robinson, Andy (2009-01-15).. Computer and Video Games. Retrieved 2009-05-29.
• ^ Reiner, Andrew (2009-01-13).. City University Colour Vision Test 3rd Edition. Game Informer. Archived from on August 20, 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Reiner, Andrew (2009-01-13).. Game Informer.
Archived from on August 20, 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-29. • Villoria, Gerald (2009-01-20)... Retrieved 2009-01-23. • ^ Gapper, Michael (2009-01-16)... Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Gapper, Michael (2009-01-16)..
Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Gapper, Michael (2009-01-16).. Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Ahearn, Nate (2009-01-13).. Retrieved 2009-01-23. • ^ Ahearn, Nate (2009-01-13).. Retrieved 2009-05-29.
• ^ McCarthy, Dave (2009-01-16)... Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ McCarthy, Dave (2009-01-16).. Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Ahearn, Nate (2009-01-16)...
Retrieved 2009-05-29. • ^ Talbot, Ben (2009-01-16).. Retrieved 2009-05-29.
• Rossignol, Jim (2009-02-12), Lord of the Rings Conquest, PC Gamer UK • Kelly, Neon (2009-01-16).. Retrieved 2009-01-23. • Teti, John (2009-01-26).. Retrieved 2009-05-29. External links [ ] •.
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, Release Windows •: February 28, 2006 •: March 2, 2006 Xbox 360 •: July 5, 2006 •: July 13, 2006 Mode(s), The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II is a developed and published. It is based on the fantasy novels and by and its adaptation. It is the sequel to Electronic Arts' 2004 title.
The version of the game was released on March 2, 2006 and the version was released on July 5, 2006. Along with the standard edition, a of the game was released, containing bonus material and a documentary about the game's development. The online servers were shut down for Windows in 2010 and Xbox 360 in 2011, however Windows users may still play online using programs. The story for The Battle for Middle-earth II is divided into Good and Evil Campaigns. The Good Campaign focuses on, an who is alerted to a planned attack on the Elven sanctuary of. With help from the and other Good forces, the Elves attempt to eliminate and his army to restore peace in.
In the Evil Campaign, Sauron sends the and the to muster wild. With his army, Sauron moves forward with his plan to destroy the remaining Good forces in the North. The Battle for Middle-earth II received generally favorable reviews from video game critics. Reviews praised the game's integration of the Lord of the Rings universe into a real-time strategy title, while criticism targeted the game's unbalanced multiplayer mode. The Battle for Middle-earth II received numerous awards, including the Editors' Choice Award from. At the end of March 2006, The Battle for Middle-earth II reached fourth in a list of the month's best-selling PC games.
A Windows for the game was released on November 28, 2006, called, which features a new faction known as, new units, and several gameplay improvements. Who played Elrond in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, reprised the role in The Battle for Middle-earth II, also acting as the lead voiceover. On November 10, 2005, Electronic Arts announced that, who played in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, would reprise his role as Elrond and be the lead voiceover talent in The Battle for Middle-earth II.
During his voiceover session, he noted, 'I always find voice work really fascinating because you are working on one element of your make up as an actor—focusing more intently on one part of your toolbox if you like—in a way so everything seems to go into producing that vocal effect. It really isn’t just an effect, because it actually comes from a source which is a true continuation of that character.'
On January 13, 2006, Electronic Arts reported that an version of The Battle for Middle-earth II was under development, and it was promised to feature a 'unique and intuitive control scheme' developed by video game designer, co-founder of the developer. Players would be able to play online via the service. Castle was excited to port the game to a console, stating, 'Living these cinematic battles in high-definition with stunning surround sound, all from the comfort of your living room couch on the Xbox 360, is an extraordinary experience. [.] Adding the ability to battle it out with friends via Xbox Live is also really exciting.'
The game's water effects received substantial upgrades because of the large role naval battles play in The Battle for Middle-earth II. The developers endeavored to make the surface of oceans and lakes look realistic by using techniques similar to those applied in films when creating computer-generated ocean water. The digital water simulates deep ocean water by reflecting its surroundings on the surface, and wave technology was used to create large waves along coastlines to immerse the player in the game experience. Lost towns, corals, and fish were added underwater to add to the effect.
Water was chosen as the first graphical component of The Battle for Middle-earth II to take advantage of 9 programmable. These additions were part of an overall Electronic Arts strategy to continue the Lord of the Rings experience that began with the trilogy film series. As cinematic director of The Battle for Middle-earth II, Richard Taylor was responsible for designing the game's opening and closing sequences, as well as campaign and mission introductions and endings. As the first Electronic Arts video game to be given free rein on material from The Lord of the Rings universe, several lands, characters, and creatures from the books appear visually for the first time in the game's. Taylor considered it essential to use good graphical and audio combinations when telling a story, and he was pleased to have Weaving on the project as the primary storyteller. Release and reception [ ] Reception Aggregate score Aggregator Score 84% (PC) 79% (X360) Review scores Publication Score A− 8 of 10 85% 4.5 of 5 B 8.3 of 10 3.5 of 5 9 of 10 8.7 of 10 (PC) 8.5 of 10 (X360) 9.0 of 10 80% 90% 7.1 of 10 The game was released by on March 2, 2006 for and July 5, 2006 for.
Electronic Arts released a that includes a bonus DVD with supplemental high-definition media such as the full original music score; in-game cinematics and trailers; the documentary The Making of The Battle for Middle-earth II; and The Art of the Game, a gallery featuring hundreds of cinematic paintings and concept art created for the game. It was given generally favorable reviews, receiving an aggregated score of 84% at for its Windows version. Praise focused on its successful integration of the Lord of the Rings franchise with the real-time strategy genre, while criticism targeted the game's unbalanced multiplayer mode. The Battle for Middle-earth II was given the Editor's Choice Award from IGN.
At the end of its debut month of March 2006, The Battle for Middle-earth II reached fourth in a list of the month's best-selling PC games, while the Collector's Edition peaked at eighth place. In the second month after the game's release, The Battle for Middle-earth II was the 12th best-selling PC game, despite a 10% slump in overall game sales for that month. The game's computer version received a 'Silver' sales award from the (ELSPA), indicating sales of at least 100,000 copies in the United Kingdom. After playing the game, found little fault with it, calling it a very well-balanced game overall. The magazine also was pleased that the game's 'production values [were] sky-high', with which agreed, explaining, 'It's not often you come across an RTS with production values this high; every part seems to be polished till it shines.' When compared to its predecessor,, was convinced The Battle for Middle-earth II had improved upon the original in several fundamental ways.
Believed that The Battle for Middle-earth II offered better gameplay and a much broader scope that encompassed more of. Several critics praised the game's real-time strategy elements and graphics. Considered the high quality of The Battle for Middle-earth II proof that Electronic Arts was truly interested in building great real-time strategy games. Despite a few minor issues, was happy with the gameplay of The Battle for Middle-earth II, believing that the game did a good job of enabling the player to experience the turmoil of the fantasy world.
They also admired the game's conversion for the Xbox 360 version, calling it 'one of the best PC-to-console conversions' and praising the developers for a 'commendable job of assigning actions to the 360 controller’s eight buttons'. The graphics were appreciated by ActionTrip, which found it 'really hard not to drool over this game', commending the game's design and art team for doing a fabulous job on every location that appeared in the single-player campaign. Playing within the universe of was appealing to a number of reviewers, which found that it generally increased the game's entertainment value. PC Gamer shared this sentiment, calling Lord of the Rings 'arguably the best fantasy universe ever', and GameZone asked the question, 'What self-respecting Tolkien fan can be without this title?' The results also pleased, which was convinced that fans of The Lord of the Rings could not afford to miss purchasing the game.
Complimented the game's merge with the Lord of the Rings universe, observing that the franchise's mythology and the game's frenetic battles came together in a very satisfying bundle. The integration of The Lord of the Rings into a video game satisfied, and the magazine predicted the game would be 'another winner for Electronic Arts'. Despite positive reactions, reviewers brought up several issues with the game. The British video game publication was unhappy with the game, claiming that Electronic Arts chose to release a formulaic game because it was a safer choice than taking The Battle for Middle-earth II in another direction. Agreed with this view, claiming that although the game looked impressive, it took a by-the-numbers approach towards the real-time strategy genre in a 'mindless sort of way', concluding that 'in no way is it anywhere near the game we hoped for.' The game's multiplayer portion disappointed, which found it too unbalanced compared to the heroes, whom they considered to be too strong. Considered the game to be of average quality, noting that there were no truly redeeming qualities.
The editors of named The Battle for Middle-earth 2 the third-best computer game of 2006, and called it 'undeniably a labor of love, a grand work of art and strategy.' The Smithsonian American Art Museum selected The Battle for Middle-earth 2 as one of 80 games spanning the past 40 years to be a part of exhibit that ran from March, 2012 to September 2012 in Washington, DC. Post-release [ ] Electronic Arts announced on July 27, 2006 that its EA Los Angeles studio would be releasing an to The Battle for Middle-earth II titled. It was slated for release during the 2006 holiday season. The game, produced by Amir Rahimi, promised players the opportunity to fight in wars that precedes the events of the Lord of the Rings novels. The Rise of the Witch-king adds a new single-player campaign, new units, a new faction, and improved features. Its story follows the 's 'ascent to power, his domination of, and eventual invasion of, 's ancestral home'.
The game was on November 15, 2006, and was released on November 28. On January 9, 2011, Electronic Arts announced that the online game servers would be shut down on January 11, 2011 for the Xbox 360 format of the game. The PC version of the game was shut down on December 31, 2010. Electronic Arts noted that their discontinuation of support for the game was partly because the licensing deal with New Line Cinema (holders of the Lord of the Rings license) had expired, which led them to no other option than to shut down all online services for the game. References [ ].
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