How To Install Openbiblio On Windows 7
Installation of OpenBiblio is quite easy and it can be run on a Pentium 4 machines. Which means with OpenBiblio you will be able to give fresh breath of life to the machines you thought were totally obsolete. Although I would recommend at least 2GB RAM. If you are installing OpenBiblio on a core Linux driven machine then even 1 GB RAM will be sufficient. At Raffles I have tested it with Pentium 4 - 800 MHz machines and I did not have any problem. Just follow the step-by-step installation below to complete your installation.
Software requirements Windows XP XAMPP installation a). Download XAMPP Lite version for Windows. Double clik on the.exe file and start installation. You can agree with the default values (e.g. Buku Pendidikan Pancasila Pdf Writer there. Install location) while installation.
Default installation location is C:/ drive. You can find XAMPP icon on task bar after the installation. Double clik on it and start Apache and MySQL services. Download OpenBiblio source file and extract into C: xampp htdocs directory. Bosch Kts 520 Drivers. Database creation 1. Start XAMP Control Panel from task bar. Click on Admin button against MySQL.
Use our tool to compare hundreds of web hosts by looking at the features they offer like hosting type, bandwidth limits, location, and much more. OpenBiblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality. Operating Systems, Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7. Additional Requirements, None.
It will open PHPMyAdmin in web browser window. Enter database name and click on Create button.
Create an OpenBiblio database user. Click on SQL option from the same screen. Enter the following command in the SQL command box. Grant all privileges on OpenBiblio.* to obiblio_user@localhost identified by 'obiblio_password'; c). Substituting obiblio_user and obiblio_password with the userid and password of your choice. Click on Go button to execute the command. Edit the database_constants.php file (located in the main openbiblio directory) with the text editor of your choice.
Change the username and password to match the new MySQL user and password that you created in the previous steps. Save and close the file. Run the OpenBiblio installer. Open following link in your web browser, Login into Open Biblio, login details are Username: admin Password: admin Following is the main page of OpenBiblio. Remove the openbiblio/install directory completely to prevent unauthorized use of install or upgrade tools.

Book mark the openbiblio link 8. You can access the openbiblio opac from For documentation and other details of OpenBiblio available from Appendix: How to set MySQL root password in XAMPP? Open the URL in a browser, and set root password. Please inform your comments regarding this documentation to vimal0212 at Vimal Kumar V. Librarian, Asian School of Business, Technopark, Trivandrum-695 581 This document is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.