Printable Bible Quizzes With Answers For Adults
For what event in February 1964 did evangelist Billy Graham break his strict rule against watching TV on Sunday? A: The Beatles' first appearance on 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' According to the Bible, what substance was used to caulk Noah's ark and to seal the basket in which the infant Moses was set adrift on the Nile?
A: Pitch, or natural asphalt. How old was Moses when he died? A: He was 120 years old, according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 34:7).
Test your Biblical knowledge with these rounds of Kids Bible Quiz Questions; educational free online kids Bible quizzes and teaching resource to help educate children in a fun and interesting way. Our printable kids Bible questions with answers are free. Our selection of Biblical, religious and Bible kids quizzes are printable. Holiday Trivia. These trivia questions and answers can be used during the holidays to play with family and friends.

How tall was Goliath, the Philistine giant slain by David with a stone hurled from a sling? A: 'Six cubits and a span,' What biblical Babylonian king cast Daniel into the lion's den for praying to God in defiance of a royal decree? A: Darius the Mede (Book of Daniel, Chapter6). Keep going, there's lots more printable Bible trivia questions below. What is the longest name in the Bible?
A: Mahershalalbashbaz, which is also written Maher-shalal-hash-baz. (Isaiah 8:1). In the Bible, which of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse rides a red horse? A: War (Book of Revelation). How many books of the Bible are named for women? A: Two - Ruth and Esther.
What language is Jesus believed to have spoken? A: Aramaic -- an ancient language in use on the north Arabian Peninsula at the time of Christ. A modern version of the language is spoken today in Syria and among Assyrians in Azerbaijan. In the Bible, for what 'price' did Esau sell his birthright to his younger twin brother, Jacob?
A: Pottage of lentils (Genesis 25:29-34). What did the lords of the philistines offer Delilah for revealing the secret of Samson's strength? A: They promised the sum of 1,100 pieces of silver each, according to the Bible (Judges 16:5). In the Old Testament, who was Jezebel's husband? A: Ahab, King of Israel (I Kings 16:28-31). What bird is named for the apostle Peter? A: The petrel, from a diminutive form of Petrus, or 'Peter,' in Latin.
What was the first town in the United States to be given a biblical name? Hint: Its name is the most common biblical place name in the country. A: Salem, Massachusetts.
Salem is the shortened form of Jerusalem, which means 'the city of peace' in Hebrew. In the Bible, who did the sun and moon stand still before?
Who is the only woman whose age is mentioned in the Bible? What Michelle Pfeiffer movie got a boost from the Coolio song Gangsta's Paradise? A: Dangerous Minds.
Easy questions (boys brigade bible quiz) • Name three Israelite kings. (Saul, David, Solomon) • Who built the ark? (Noah) • Where did Jesus grow up? (Nazareth) • Who lived in Ur and moved to a country he did not know? (Abraham) • What happened first?
Murder of Abel or the great flood? (Murder of Abel) • What was the name of the blind beggar at the gate of Jericho? (Bartimaeus) • Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian? (Philistine) • What was Jacob’s brother called? (Esau) • What happened first?
The exodus of Egypt or the „fall of Jericho”? (Exodus) • How many years of famine did Joseph prophesise to the Pharaohs? (seven) • Which books come before and after the gospel according to Luke? (The gospels according to Mark and John) • What was Jacob’s youngest son called?
(Benjamin) • Where do we first hear about a shepherd? Moses 4,2) • Who said: „How long will you waver between two opinions?” (Elijah on Mount Carmel) • Which two birds did Noah send out of the ark as messengers? (Raven and dove) • Who said: „I myself, and my house, want to serve the Lord!”? (Joshua) • Which commander had leprosy? (Naemann) • Which towns were destroyed by fire and brimstone? (Sodom and Gomorrah) • Name three of Jesus’ disciples whose names begin with „J”.
(Jacob, John and Judas) • How many people were saved on the ark? (8) • Who had a coat made of camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey? (John the Baptist) • Who said to whom: „A person sees what is in front of his eyes but God sees the heart”?
(God to Samuel) • What is quoted in John 14,6? (I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me). • Which type of animal did Balaam ride? (A donkey) • What type of tree did Zaccariah climb? (Mulberry-fig tree).
Medium questions (Teenager bible quiz) • Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still? (Joshua) • For which type of tree was Lebanon well known? (Cedar) • How did Stephanus die? (Stoned to death) • Where was Jesus taken prisoner? (Gethsemane) • Which biblical book tells of David and Goliath? Samuel) • Is Horeb the name of a town or a mountain?
(A mountain) • Where did a jailer find his faith? (Philippi) • What were the two sons of Zebadee (one of the disciples) called? (John and Jacob) • Which book reports on the missionary travels of Paul? (The Acts of the Apostles) • What was Jacob’s eldest son called? (Rueben) • Name three prisoners mentioned in the bible.
(Joseph, Samson, Paul) • Who prophesised the coming of Jesus shortly beforehand? (John the Baptist) • What were the names of the mother and grandmother of Jacob? (Rebecca, Sara) • Name three prophets? (Elijah, Jeremiah, Jonah) • What happened first? Jesus’ christening or the feeding of the 5000? (Jesus’ christening) • Name three missionaries named in the bible.
(Paul, Silas, Barnabas) • What was Ruth’s husband called? (Boas) • Which illness did Mephiboseth suffer from?
(He was lame) • What came first? Elias ascension or Enoch’s rapture? (Enoch’s rapture) • Who made the golden calf and the bronze snake? (Aaron, Moses) • Name three women in the bible whose names begin with „R”. (Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth) • Which king had a sundial? (Hezekiah) • Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of a fish? Mike Coburn Soldier Five Pdf Viewer.
(Peter) • What was Harn’s father called? What were his brothers called?
(Noah, Shem, Japheth) • What is written in 1. (God wants all people to be saved and come to recognise the truth.) Difficult questions (youth bible quiz) • Name three soldiers mentioned in the bible. (Joab, Naemann, Cornelius) • In which book of the bible to we read about Haman? (Esther) • Which 3 books of the old testament begin with the letter „M”? (Moses, Micah, Malachi) • Which Roman was in charge of cultivation in Syria at the time of Jesus’ birth? (Cyrenius) • What happened first? Preacher Paul on the Areopagus or the execution of Jacob?
(Execution of Jacob) • What were the names of Abraham’s brothers? (Nahor, Haran) • What was the name of a female judge and her companion? (Deborah, Barak) • What happened first? Appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the appearance of the Holy Spirit? (Appointment of Matthew as an apostle) • What was the goddess in Ephesus called who was worshipped the most? (Diana) • What was Priscilla’s husband called; which job did he have?
(Aquila, tent maker) • Name three sons of David. (Salomon, Absalom, Nathan) • Who was Bernice? (The wife of king Agrippa) • What happened first? The beheading of John or the feeding of the 5000?
(John was beheaded) • Who was Ahasveros? (A Persian king, Xerxes 1.) • Where in the bible are apples mentioned for the first time?
(Proverbs 25,11) • Who said: „See, I have not heard the half of it. You have more knowledge and goodness than me, this is rumour I have heard”.
(The queen of Saba to Solomon) • What was the great-grandson of Boa called? Cyberlink Youcam 6 Full Version Free Download on this page. (David) • Who said: „It won’t take much more for you to convince to become a Christian”? (Agrippa to Paul) • Who was Zippora? (Moses’ wife) • How old did Enoch become? (365 years old) • Who said: „Philistines rule over you!”? (Delilah to Samson) • What was Timotheus grandmother called? (Lois) • Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
(The tongue/James 3,5) • Which names were Daniel and his three friends given in Babylon? (Belshazzar, Sadrach, Mesach, Abednego) • What is written in 2.
Corinthians 5,20? (We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us; We implore you on God’s behalf: Be reconciled with God!) Very difficult questions Expert bible quiz • What does Jahwe-Schammah mean?
(God himself/Ezekiel 48,35) • How much bread and fish was available to feed the 5000? How many baskets were left over? (7 x bread and several small fish, 7 baskets/Matthew 15,3) • What is the name of the storm winds which can hit Crete? 27,14) • How many wonders did Elijah and Elisa perform?
(Elisa performed exactly twice as many as Elijah. Deliverance 2. Kings 2,9) • When was Passover celebrated? Day and month. (14th day of the 1st month) • What was the name of the first tool maker in the bible?
Moses 4,22) • What did Jacob call the place where he fought with God? Moses 32,30) • How many chapters does the book Jeremiah have?
How many verses does the letter of Judas have? (52, 25) • What is written in Romans 1,20+21a? (For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.) • Who is Peter’s first letter addressed to? (The dispersed strangers) • Where is “Satan’s throne”?
(In purgatory/Revelations 2,12.13) • These promote controversies rather than God’s work – which is by faith (1Timothy 1,4). (Tales, gender register) • What happened with the animals which were killed as a sacrifice? (They were burned outside of the camp /3 Mo 4,1-12) • What was shown on the high priest’s head band? ( Holiness of Jahwe/2. Mo 39,30) • What was Job’s mother called?
(Zeruja/2 Samuel 2,13) • How many wonders did God perform? (They cannot be counted/Job 5,8.9) • Which job/position in Israelite society did Ezra have?
(Land cultivator/Ezra 7,1; priest, scribe/Ezra 7,11) • What were the two columns called on the temple built by Solomon? (Jakin, Boas/l kings 7,21) • Which books come before and after Daniel? (Ezekiel, Hosea) • Who said: „His blood comes over us and our children”?
(The people of Israel at the release of Barrabas) • Which spirit was in the possessed girl in Philippi? (A python spirit/Acts 16,16) • Which thing were the only things to be taken over from the Old Testament during the council of Apostles in Jerusalem? (Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood / Acts 15,20) • What did Epaphroditus do? (He brought Paul a gift from the Philippians 2,25-27; 4,18) • Where did Paul leave his coat? (In Troas, Carpus) • How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem? (14 years/Galatians 2,1) Source/Copyright.