Gungrave Ost
CeX product details for the Gungrave Ost Uno Righthead product. MegumiNime adalah situs penyedia anime 480p dan 720p dengan format mkv yang didapat dari berbagai fansub dan juga memiliki berbagai genre. Situs MegumiNime.
Dark-skinned characters in Japanese animation are almost always supporting characters, though there are a few exceptions. We have listed a number of dark-skinned 'positive' characters below. Brown-skinned Asian Indian/Native American-inspired characters outnumber African/African-looking characters, and are generally presented in a more attractive light than black-skinned characters. Since there are relatively few black characters, it matters all the more when some of them, even though they are 'good guys', play into stereotypes of dark-skinned people. Even in the absence of overt stereotyping, many of these characters die quick deaths and don't last beyond an episode or story arc. More dark-skinned characters may also be found in our manga character list. Warning: spoilers may follow.

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As a member of the Ayashi team, he is steadfast and reliable. His demon-slaying job is a secret, and he has a day job as a flea-remover. Character Name Agni Anime/Manga Title Black Butler Appearance brown skin, braideed straight silver hair, gray eyes Ethnicity Indian Background Agni was born a Brahmin named Arshad. After becoming disillusioned with the greed and snobbery of his father, Arshad renounced his faith and turned into a violent criminal. He was eventually caught and sentenced to death for his crimes, but Prince Soma of Bengal intervened at his execution and pardoned him, giving him the name 'Agnu' and offering him a new beginning.
Since then, he had been the bodyguard and personal servant of Prince Soma. Agni first appears in Episode 13 of the anime when he and his master come to England. His martial arts skills are evenly matched with the demon butler Sebastian, prompting the main character Ciel to wonder if Agni is a supernatural being disguised in human form. Sebastian assures Ciel that Agni is fully human. Agni is a key character in the Curry Contest arc. He reappears at the end of Season 1 and also has a small role in Season 2.
For more information, see. Character Name Ahmad Anime/Manga Title Yugo the Negotiator Appearance short straight black hair, dark gray eyes Ethnicity Pakistani Background Ahmad appears early in 'Scorching Bonds', the First Negotiation arc (DVDs 1-3). He is the third son of a Karachi imam. His father Haji Rahmani was formerly a sheikh of Sindh. Ahmad meets the main character Yugo when the Japanese negotiator comes to Ahmad's travel agency to seek news of Haji Rahmani.
A kind, yet tough man, Ahmad is righteously outraged when he sees the exploitation of the non-Muslim street dancer Laila. Ahmad negotiates with Laila's abusive handler for her freedom, offering to pay the money needed to redeem her. When the obstinate handler refused to wait for Ahmad to return with the money, Ahmad's companion Yugo, moved by Ahmad's determination and compassion, redeems Laila with his own watch. Both Ahmad and his father return later in the story arc to provide critical support for Yugo, and can be regarded as heroes in their own right. Yugo the Negotiator's portrayal of Muslim men is far more balanced, fleshed out and positive than the simnplistic stereotypes of sexist and fanatical Muslim men in Western media. For every negative Muslim male character in the Japanese story, there is a positive Muslim male character to balance him out. Even the main villain proves to be much more complex than a simple 'bad guy', and is presented as someone worth taking the time to understand.
Character Name Aikka Anime/Manga Title Oban Star-Racers Appearance brown skin, tufted straight red hair, blue eyes, pointed ears that angle downward Ethnicity Nourasian Background Prince Aikka is the royal heir from the planet Nourasia. Trained from an early age to be a warrior, he is noble, chivalrous and a great archer. Aikka joins the Great Race of Oban hoping to the Ultimate Prize and free his kingdom from hostile outsiders. He meets the human protagonist Molly at the race. Although rivals, they eventually become close allies and develop a mutual attraction. See for more information. Character Name Aladdin Anime/Manga Title Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures Appearance dark brown skin, straight white hair, white beard Ethnicity Arab Background Aladdin was the legendary finder of the genie's lamp years ago.
He is now an old man working at a ferry on the Nile. After the main character Sinbad helps him defeat a troublesome river genie, wise old Aladdin joins Sinbad on his adventures. 'Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures', produced by Nippon Animation, is one of those rare anime that feature a full cast that is neither Japanese nor European. See for more information.
Character Name Alfred Anime/Manga Title Toward the Terra Appearance dark brown skin, very short black hair. Slender, with delicate features.
Ethnicity unknown Background The loyal attendant to the blind seeress Physis, Alfred is often seen playing a harp. He is the second character to appear in the TV series (right after the protagonist Jomy), and he has his own theme music in the OST. More than any other character, Alfred is depicted as having a clearly deferential manner and subordinate role. He bows to the ship's elders, and addresses Physis as 'Physis-sama', an honorific that other regular characters dispense with. Although gentle and discreet, Alfred does not hesitate to speak up in Physis' defense when he feels that someone is disrespecting Physis.
Character Name Ali Baba Anime/Manga Title Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures Appearance brown skin, black eyes, straight black hair Ethnicity Arab Background Ali Baba is one of the allies of the main character Sinbad. A former bandit who parted ways with his colleagues due to conflicting values, Ali Baba joins Sinbad on his adventures, whose plot is based loosely on the Arabian Nights. Amministrazione E Finanza Pdf there.
'Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures', produced by Nippon Animation, is one of the rare anime whose cast of characters is neither Japanese nor European. See for more information. Character Name Aloe Anime/Manga Title Pokemon Best Wishes Appearance dark brown skin, very poofy teal afro, teal eyes, pink apron, red and yellow striped bandana Ethnicity black Background Aloe, a strong, gentle and motherly character, is a Gym Leader from Shippou City in the Unova Region. An earlier design of an apron-wearing Aloe unfortunately evoked mammy stereotypes for some. Her design has since been changed to show her carrying her apron over her shoulder. She makes her debut in episode 14 of Best Wishes.
Character Name Amarone Slaintheav Anime/Manga Title Vandread Appearance Dark brown dreadlocks, dark brown eyes, brown skin Ethnicity Mejalian Background A minor but recurring character, Amarone is a member of the bridge crew of an all-female pirate ship from the planet Mejale. Although Amarone has frequent screen appearances as one of the operators of the combined ship Nirvana, she has few speaking lines. In the later part of the series, she takes the lead in monitoring the progress of the relationship between Dita and Hibiki (the main couple of Vandread), and with her crewmates, she cheers on Dita, her fellow Majelian. Character Name Anna Marie Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, black dreadlocks, tall and thin Ethnicity African American Background A radio host based in Florida, Anna Marie becomes the unlikely love interest of Bismarck, a brown-haired blue-eyed moon dweller. After Bismarck arrives on Earth with the protagonist Takeru, missing their target destination of Florida and crash-landing instead in Nevada, Bismarck only has the broadcast from Anna Marie's station to rely on when finding his way across the devastated country. Upon reaching Florida, young white Bismarck, who has fallen in love with the radio host's voice, seeks out the woman whom he has never seen.
Although Anna Marie is initially surprised at the antics of a boy much younger and shorter than herself, she accepts his friendly overtures and gives credit where credit is due, reminding her suspicious, insular brother that it is Bismarck, with his moon technology, who alerted her to the coming hurricane and helped her warn the community. It is implied that Anna Marie and Bismarck eventually developed a romantic relationship. Character Name Ao Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, straight black hair in two pigtails Ethnicity unknown Background A native of Florida, Ao is the female lead and the love interest of the main character Takeru. A teenage school teacher on Earth, Ao, together with her community, sends unmanned rockets to the moon, where they believe a long-lost colony of humans may still live. Moon dweller Takeru comes across one of these rocket capsules containing a photo of Ao and her students.
Instantly smitten with the 'mystery girl' in the photo, he defies the moon authorities (who have always insisted that life had been wiped out on Earth) and sets out across space to find her. But when he finds Earth and Ao, Ao inspires him to grow from an impetuous lad into a responsible man - now that Takeru knows the truth about the Earth, he has a responsibility to reveal the truth to the moon dwellers. Ao stands by his quest, and together they make the journey back to confront the lunar authorities. Character Name Arvind Lavie Anime/Manga Title Appearance reddish brown skin, wavy blue-black hair, dark blue eyes Ethnicity Indian Background Arvind Lavie (also spelled 'Ravi') works for the Space Debris Section of Technora Corporation. Arvind usually plays the role of clown and trickster, putting on a show for colleagues and freely lying to make himself or his team look good. He appears to be an opportunistic climber, but his motivation for seeking better compensation is his desire to better support his children.
Character Name Atl Anime/Manga Title Ghost Slayers Ayashi Appearance Straight dark brown hair, bronze skin, olive green eyes Ethnicity Aztec Background Atl is an Aztec girl whose community preserved its traditional beliefs for centuries after Spanish colonization. After her community is destroyed by the mestizos, she leaves Mexico for Japan where she finds work as a stunt rider under the name Ouma. Atl wears makeup to cover her bronze skin color when she performs in public. The 40 year old main character Yuki, a member of the monster-slaying Ayashi team, feels a special empathy towards her.
As s a ronin turned vagrant, he idenfities with her experience of being a social outcast. Both vagrants and entertainers fall outside the four-class system of warriors, peasants, artisans and merchants. The presence of most foreigners was also illegal in Japan during that era. Yuki tries to protect Atl from the authorities, but the proud and independent Atl refuses his sympathy.
Yuki's fellow Ayashi, Genbatsu, arranges for Atl to take refuge in the pleasure quarters as the apprentice of the courtesan Ureshino, assuring Yuki that Atl will never be made to sell her body. Ureshino believes that Atl's foreign appearance may be less noticeable in the pleasure quarters since all women there hide their natural complexion under white makeup. But the gifted 14 year old painter Shuzaburo Kai discerns her foreign features under her makeup. He tells her that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and tries to gain her favor. She rebuffs him at first, but starts to warm up to him when she realizes that Shuzaburo, like herself and Yuki, has seen the mysterious supernatural realm called the Other World. Because of her unique ability to open the door to The Other World, Atl is repeatedly targeted by the opponents of the Ayashi.
Shuzaburo helps her to escape on one occasion. Having a strong sense of justice and compassion, Atl is quick to question what she sees as the unreasonable rules of Japanese society. She tries to speak up for the oppressed when she sees good people condemned to suicide, execution or marginalization by inflexible, authoritarian social structures. But when she is powerless to help those around her, Atl feels the pull of the Other World. Shuzaburo repeatedly appeals to Atl not to go to the Other World but ultimately admits his lack of influence with her.
Although he still loves Atl, he acknowledges that Yuki is more suited to be her significant other, paving the way for Yuki to confess his feelings to Atl. Character Name Ben Jackson Anime/Manga Title Tiger & Bunny Appearance dark brown skin, short black hair, dark gray eyes, moustache and soul patch Ethnicity African American Background At the beginning of the series, Ben is the manager of the Japanese protagonist Wild Tiger, handling the superhero's appearances on reality TV. The company they work for, TopMag, is taken over by Apollon Media, whereupon Ben Jackson is laid off. He continues to stay in touch with his old subordinate Wild Tiger, even after taking on a new job as a cab driver. Not a regular character, Ben Jackson nevertheless has an important role in times of crisis. When the protagonist faces doubts about the superhero business, he turns to Ben Jackson.
Later, when Wild Tiger is framed for a crime, Ben is the only one who keeps believing in him, coming to Wild Tiger's rescue at a time when all of Wild Tiger's former colleagues have turned against him. Character Name Bill Anime/Manga Title Full Metal Panic! Appearance Short black hair, black eyes, dark brown skin, has moustache Ethnicity African American? Background A squad commander working for the anti-terrorist organization Mithril, Bill is serious and stern. Bill's squad members are one black man (excluding Bill), two white men and one white woman.
Bill intervenes when one of his subordinates harasses the main character Sousuke, a teenage Japanese super-soldier assigned to accompany his unit. A dignified man of few words, Bill does not waste time arguing, and does not accept challenges to his authority. He refuses to take Sousuke's advice on battle tactics and loses his life as a result. The only person on Bill's team who takes Sousuke's words seriously is the white woman.
Bill appears only in Episode 15. He was killed in battle by the Japanese villain Gauron quite early in the story arc. Character Name Blue Anime/Manga Title Appearance tan skin, short straight blue-black hair, blue eyes Ethnicity Wolf Dog Background Blue starts out as a vicious antagonist of the four main characters of Wolf's Rain.
The loyal dog companion of wolf-hating human Quent Yaiden, Blue shares her owner's passion for hunting wolves. Her true form is a wolf-dog with a blue-black coat, but when the power associated with her wolf blood is awakened, Blue, like other wolves, is able to take on the illusory form of a human.
She is one of the few wolves that are clearly darker-skinned in human form. After running into her former enemies, she joins the full-blooded wolves on their journey. Blue becomes the lover of Hige, one of the four main wolf characters. Character Name Bluearth Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, black dreadlocks, tall Ethnicity African American Background A leader in a Florida village, Bluearth is suspicious of outsiders and very protective of his community. He functions as something of a guardian to the heroine Ao, having been Ao's father's colleague in the past.
Bluearth and Ao's father were slated to go to the moon together, but Bluearth backed out of the venture and Ao's father went alone on what turned out to be a fatal rocket launch. Burdened by guilt and shame, Bluearth seeks to prevent Ao from taking ths same dangerous path that her father did, but ultimately respects her decision to go to the moon, and even risks his life for her dreams. The flashback scene accompanying the protagonist Takeru's narration of the Earthlings' plight present Bluearth as the symbol of the struggle, hard work, endurance and hope of Earth's survivors. Character Name Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Anime/Manga Title Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Appearance brown skin; round, bright yellow afro with sideburns; and a lot of body hair Ethnicity unknown. Background Bo Bobo's unique characteristic is ridiculously long nose hair, which he can use as whips! He wears black pants with frayed ends and a very tight, short-sleeved blue shirt that usually exposes his midriff and a bit of his muscular chest. He is the leader of of a rebellion against the Margarita Empire, whose evil Empire wants to make absolutely everyone in the whole world bald.
He's accompanied by a little girl named Beauty who is frequently exasperated by his childish antics, which are actually his way of distracting the enemy long enough to take them down. Character Name Bowie Grant Anime/Manga Title Appearance dark brown skin, wavy black hair Ethnicity Black Background Bowie Grant (Bowie Lasalle in the Japanese original) is the gentle, introspective nephew of the late Claudia Grant. He is a sensitive, soft-spoken youth, who has yet to find his place in the world. Like his childhood friend, Dana Sterling, his parents left him in the custody of his godfather, General Emerson, while they joined the forces of the SDF-3 on their sojourn to the stars. Bowie and Dana are like siblings. When Dana entered the service, Bowie tagged along and eventually became her aide in the 15th squadron. Bowie is a skilled fighter, although he has no love for war or even physical sport.
His true interest is in music. Bowie is a gifted piano player and a fair singer. With this in mind, it seems no wonder that he finds himself attracted to the alien, Musika. A mutual attraction the causes both Bowie and Musika to desert their posts in an attempt to avoid the insanity of war. Character Name Brau Anime/Manga Title Toward the Terra Appearance dark brown skin, multiple black braids in a ponytail.
She has one light brown eye and one dark brown eye. Ethnicity unknown Background One of the Mu elders, she commands the navigation team on the Mu mothership. Later in the series, she captains one of the Mu battleships in the final war with the humans. Brau is informal in her speech and practical in her approach towards new situations, clearly the most adaptable of the Mu elders. She speaks in a light-hearted manner to both her subordinates and Captain Harley, but she has a serious, down-to-earth attitude towards work. Character Name Buzam A.
Caleaza Anime/Manga Title Vandread Appearance Long straight silver hair, dark gray eyes, tan skin Ethnicity Mejalian Background Buzam, more often called BC, is the vice captain of an all-female pirate ship from the planet Mejale. A major supporting character, she seems aloof and does not socialize much with her colleagues. But she sometimes shows personal concern for the individuals around her. When Hibiki, an accidental stowaway, finds himself thrown together with the pirates in the middle of a battle, Buzam calls him to take up arms and aid the crew in their fight against the attackers.
But Hibiki has a crisis of self-confidence. He brings up his low status as a mechanic and his lack of combat experience as excuses. Buzam encourages him to discard self-limiting labels and take control of his own destiny. At the end of the series, Hibiki, the series' main character, credits BC as the one who changed his outlook and set him on the road to achievement. BC, a capable leader, is alert to hidden threats and calm in high stakes situation.
Tall and no-nonsense, she exudes an air of authority and danger. The amoral spy Rabat, himself a callous man of violence, attempts to make a pass at Buzam, but changes his mind and backs away from the smiling pirate, sensing the threat behind her smile.
A woman who often has a card up her sleeve, BC shows herself to be a deadly whip wielder, something unknown to most of her crew. Yet more startling secrets are revealed about her as the story progresses. Character Name Claudia Grant Anime/Manga Title Appearance Black skin, short curly black hair Ethnicity Black Background Claudia Grant (Claudia Lasalle in the Japanese original) is the chief weaponry officer and navigator aboard the SDF-1 (super dimensional fortress). Her younger brother Vince and his wife Jean had a son, Bowie (in the Robotech version only, not in the Macross version), who is a major character in the Southern Cross chapter of Robotech. As an SDF-1 Chief Officer, Claudia Grant bears a great many responsibilities aboard the SDF-1.
In addition to facilitating the interaction between the some 15,000 crewmembers aboard the battlefortress, it's Claudia's responsibility to coordinate the various departments that keep operations running smoothly throughout the ship. Most of Claudia's interaction is with her fellow bridge crewmates. Her relaxed, confident manner is in contrast with her friend Lisa Hayes (the main female character), the SDF-1's no-nonsense, by-the-book executive officer. In addition, she has a strong bond with her younger brother Vince, who is among the Robotech engineers stationed aboard SDF-1. Being in charge of all communications, Claudia is rarely shown at locations other than the bridge throughout the entire series.
She developed a kean interest in Roy Folker another one of Macross/Robotech's main characters. (They were a couple in Macross) During the aliens' suicide attack on the SDF-1 & SDF-2 (super dimensional fortress, spaceship headquarters of human forces), Claudia was killed along with many other of the once key characters of Robotech.
Claudia's nephew, Bowie Grant, who wasn't born until after Claudia's deathm would go on to become a key character in the second saga of Robotech. Character Name Don Kan'onji Anime/Manga Title Appearance tall, thin, tan skin, hair in thick braids Ethnicity unknown Background Don Kan'onji aka Misaomaru Kan'onji is a demon-fighting spirit medium who has his own TV show. A largely comic character, Don spouts a mixture of English and Japanese. Although Don's hollow-fighting attempts are often self-sabotaged and rendered ineffective by his obsession with putting on a dramatic act (he seems to act like he is in front of a camera all the time) Don actually has substantial spiritual powers.
He organized a team of children with spirit powers to fight 'bad spirits'. Character Name Ed, aka Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tiruvsky IV Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, wild straight red hair, blue eyes Ethnicity unknown Background Ed the computer genius is one of the four main characters. Her original name was Frances, but the androgynous adolescent is often mistaken for a male. Despite being a hacking prodigy, she is quite regressed in some developmental aspects, preferring to talk in childish speech and unable to stay focused on a single task. Nevertheless, Ed is an important part of the Bebop crew and has helped her teammates crack many cases.
Character Name Fire Emblem Anime/Manga Title Tiger & Bunny Appearance brown skin, short pink hair, pale lipstick, tall Ethnicity African American Background Fire Emblem, a superhero whose real name is Nathan Seymour, has the power of flame. One of the main cast, Fire Emblem is a biiological male who identifies socially as female/third gender, often referring to himself as one of the 'ladies'. S/he enjoys teasing and flirting with almost all the male superheroes. The main character Kotetsu graciously refuses her/his proposition. Fire Emblem also has a crush on Barney (the 2nd titular character of Tiger and Bunny), whom he refers to as 'handsome'. One of the most confident and happy of all the heroes, Fire Emblem does not have the moments of self-doubt or personal crises that the other heroes have.
S/he has a higher level of professional satisfaction because unlike the others who have to bend to an employer's agenda, Nathan runs his/her own company Helios Energy. Character Name Gigalt Gangaragash Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, balding with some black hair Ethnicity South Asian?
Background Gigalt is a veteran astronaut and the teacher and mentor of both the protagonist Hachimaki and Hachimaki's father Goro. He also taught the terrorist Hakim Ashmead, not knowing Ashmead's true intentions. Gigalt eventually passes from cancer, leaving behind an embittered Hachimaki who ignores Gigalt's dying advice that he should treasure his relationship with his girlfriend Tanabe. Character Name Gordon Anime/Manga Title Rocket Girls Appearance brown skin, short straight black hair, blue-gray eyes Ethnicity unknown Background Gordon, an American astronaut, appears in Episodes 10 and 11 as part of the crew of the US space shuttle Atlantis.
When Atlantis runs into some trouble while preparing for a probe launch, the Solomon Space Agency sends two teenage female Japanese astronauts to assist them. Most of the American astronauts are skeptical about the competence of the SSA astronauts because of their age, gender and race. Their reception of the Japanese girls range from condescension to outright hostility, but Gordon, one of the two more open-minded Americans, is among the first to extend his goodwill and cooperation to the newcomers.
Character Name Gorobei Anime/Manga Title Appearance dark brown skin, pale gray short straight hair in crew cut. Ethnicity n/a (Japan-inspired fantasy setting. He looks black, but he isn't any more 'black' than the white-looking characters are 'white'. They all have Japanese names.) Background Samurai 7 is an animated series reinventing Kurosawa's 1954 live action classic Seven Samurai in a fantasy/science fiction setting.
The names of the seven samurai remain unchanged in the anime, and the basic plot remains intact. While the personalities of the original characters were, to some extent, carried over into the anime characters, their physical appearances were not reproduced. Gorobei is a war veteran who had to resort to earning a living as an entertainer. He is later recruited by villagers in search of samurai who could defend their village from bandits. Gorobei is a practical, mature and balanced character who provides the happy medium between the crazily flamboyant Kikuchiyo and the silent, obsessed Kyuzo.
He is the first samurai to die in defense of the village. Character Name Guren Anime/Manga Title Shonen Onmyouji Appearance Straight dark pink hair, brown skin, yellow eyes, very tall Ethnicity Shikigami Background Guren, also known is Touda, is the second most important character in Shonen Onmyouji. A very old and powerful earth deity, he is one of 12 shikigami spirits serving the famed onmyouji Abe no Seimei. Guren is also described as the 'most despised' of the twelve. Seimei's son comments that most humans who can see Touda are afraid of him, the rare exception being Seimei's grandson Masahiro, the titular character of Shonen Onmyouji. Incidentally, Touda is the only shikigami who manifests as a dark-skinned human.
The rest of the shikigami take the form of light-skinned humans. Because of Masahiro's innocent acceptance, Guren becomes very protective towards him and takes on the role of his guardian spirit. Their relationship is central to the series. Touda is unpopular with most of the other shikigami, who find him aloof at best, and murderous at worst. However, some of the other shikigami comment more favorably on him after he takes on the form of a white animal that looks like a cross between a rabbit and a cat. In this form, his nickname is Mokkun. Guren spends most of his time with Masahiro in the form of Mokkun, and only takes on the humanoid appearance of Touda when he needs to unleash his powers fully.
He is still capable of unleashing his flame attack when he appears in animal form. At the end of the series, Guren seems to have become permanently sealed in the white form of Mokkun. Character Name Haji Rahmani Anime/Manga Title Yugo the Negotiator Appearance straight white hair, scar on forehead, gray eyes Ethnicity Pakistani Background Rahmani appears in 'Scorching Bonds', the First Negotiation arc (DVDs 1-3). He is a Karachi imam who was formerly a sheikh of Sindh. Years ago, the Haji confronted the villainous bandit chieftain Yusuf Ali over the abduction of a woman, but was defeated by the much bigger, younger and more vicious Yusuf Ali. Due to Rahmani's status as asomeone who had performed the hajj, Yusuf spared his life but slandered Rahmani as a coward.
A brave and honorable man, Haji Rahmani states: 'We risk our lives to protect honor and women.' The old man decides to challenge his nemesis again after meeting a Japanese woman whose father is held hostage by Yusuf Ali.
The main character Yugo has deep respect for Haji Rahmani, and publicly confronts the volatile and violent Yusuf Ali over the matter of Rahmani's reputation. Character Name Hakim Atawari Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, wears turban Ethnicity Indian Background Victorian Romance Emma is the tale of the forbidden romance between Emma, a servant, and William, a member of the gentry. Almost everyone in their class-conscious society disapproves of their relationship. Enters the royal visitor Hakim/Hakeem, an old schoolmate of William. Being a foreigner not subject to English class strictures, the prince encourages William to pursue his true desire. Hakim and his entourage of aggressive Indian maidens also provide some comic relief by challenging Victorian standards of social behavior. Character Name Harley Anime/Manga Title Toward the Terra Appearance tan skin, short straight blond hair in the TV series, dark-haired in the movie adaptation, Ethnicity unknown Background Captain Harley is the commander of the Shangri-la, the mothership of the Mu.
A Type Green mutant, he can use his psionic powers to defend against attack. Harley comes from the generation of Mu who escaped the genocide, and has lived long beyond normal human years. Stable and moderate in his views and actions, he is a wise leader who is respected by Soldier Blue (the leader of the Mu). Character Name Harold and his wife Anime/Manga Title Toward the Terra Appearance Harold has tan skin and wavy black hair. His wife is brown-skinned with more tightly curled hair.
Ethnicity unknown Background One of the young generation of Mu who wants to settle on Nazca and abandon the battle to save more Mu from humans, Harold comes into conflict with the elders after he is involved in an accident that kills his friend. Harold later dies when the humans attack Nazca and he refuses to abandon the planet.
He and his wife are the parents of Twellen, one of the 7 Nazca-born mutants who grow into super-warriors. Character Name Haruhiko Kasama Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, short straight black hair, violet eyes Ethnicity 1/4 Indian, 3/4 Japanese Background Haruhiko is the human reincarnation of the pale-skinned, purple-haired Shukaido, Shion's rival in love. Haruhiko's mother is half Indian. Haruhiko looks exactly like Shion.
In their new incarnations, Shion and Shukaido swapped bodies. Although Shukaido is the closest thing to a villain in the story, his reincarnation Haruhiko is a kind character. Character Name Hassan Anime/Manga Title Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures Appearance reddish brown skin, black eyes, and black hair Ethnicity Arab Background Hassan is a poor young water seller.
He is best friends with the main character Sinbad in Baghdad, despite their differences in economic status (Sinbad is from a well-to-do merchant family). See for more information on the series. Although released in the 1970s, this anime from Nippon Animation remains popular in the Arab world, where is it known as 'Mughamarrat Sindibad'. Character Name Iris Anime/Manga Title Pokemon Best Wishes Appearance brown skin, very large eyes, thick puffy long purple hair Ethnicity unknown Background Characterized as somewhat of a wild child, Iris loves to swing on vines and eat wild fruits from bushes.
She debuts in episode 1 of Best Wishes, and later joins the protagonist Satoshi/Ash on his travels. She is one of main characters of the series. Iris is from Souryuu City, which specializes in Dragon Type Pokemon. She often carries her partner Pokemon Kibago in her hair. Character Name Jackson Anime/Manga Title Full Metal Panic!
Appearance Black hair in short dreadlocks, brown eyes, light brown skin Ethnicity African American Background Jackson appears in Episode 15-17 as a member of a team of mercenaries working for the anti-terrorist organization Mithril. Jackson talks in a thuggish manner; he loves fist fights and gambling. He also makes a joke (or what he claims is a joke after being rebuked by a teammate) about stealing enemy property (not part of their assignment) during their mission to assassinate the Japanese villain Gauron. Jackson belongs to a squad of 2 black men, two white men and one white woman. Irreverent and vocal, Jackson offended the subcommander of his team, a white woman, who knees him in the groin over a rude remark. Like all the other men on the team (except Bill, his black commander), he displays open disdain when a teenage Japanese soldier (the main character Sousuke) is assigned to accompany them on their mission. He is the first to make fun of Sousuke's race and age, setting a precedent for his white male teammates, who also show hostility towards Sousuke.
Jackson is extremely protective of his teammates and weeps openly when his commander Bill is killed. He defends the rear when teammates retreat from the enemy. A skilled mecha pilot, he is able to outmaneuver the villain Gauron even when his own mecha malfunctioned, despite his machine being less technologically advanced than Gauron's. Eventually, he and his teammates were eliminated by Gauron.
Character Name Joco Anime/Manga Title Appearance Joco is a teenager with dark brown skin and an afro. Caricaturized lips.
Ethnicity African? Background In this anime based on the manga by Hiroyuki Takei, Joco is portrayed as an unfunny comedian. According to TV Tome's Shaman King Season 2 Guide, 'Joco's name was Chocolove in the original, but was changed probably to a potential racial remark.' Shaman King has quite a number of Native American and Asian characters, and they are all drawn much more attractively than the sole African character Joco.
Character Name Jose Rodriguez Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, black eyes, black hair, moustache Ethnicity South or Central American? Background Jose Rodriguez is a spaceship captain who is introduced early in the series. A dedicated captain, he refuses to abandon his spinning craft even after his crew has escaped the out-of-control space vehicle.
The authorities give him up for dead, but his crew and family hire the agent Kurau to rescue him. Rodriguez is portrayed as a loving family man and caring captain who truly feels for his family and subordinates. Although a minor character, he reappears later in the series to save Kurau at a time of need. Character Name Judia Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, straight blond hair Ethnicity Unspecified Background Judia is part of Ragnarok's main cast. She is the huntress companion of the assassin Iruga (who has tan skin and white hair).
Together, they rescue the young protagonist Roan (tan skinned with dark hair) and his childhood sweetheart Yuufa. A deadly archeress, Judia reached her current skill level only after meeting Iruga. Ragnarok is exceptional among anime in that it has a significant number of brown-skinned characters, not just in the main cast but also among the many 'extra' characters that appear in the background. Character Name Kambei (or Kanbei) Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, long wavy dark brown hair. Ethnicity n/a (Samurai 7 is a fantasy. But Kanbei does look like my Iranian friend;-) Background Kanbei is an experienced war veteran who emerges as the leader of the seven samurai recruited to defend a village from mechanized bandits. He represents the samurai ideal in every way - something which is not lost on the novice samurai Katsuhiro who decides he must have Kanbei as his master.
Kanbei is the greatest fighter among the seven, with perhaps the exception of Kyuzo, who joined the seven so he could challenge Kanbei to a death match after they have dealt with the bandits. Kanbei is one of the three samurai who survived the battles with the bandits. Character Name Laila Anime/Manga Title Yugo the Negotiator Appearance brown skin, long black wavy hair, green-gray eyes Ethnicity Pakistani Background Laila is the female lead of the First Negotiation arc (DVDs 1-3), 'Scorching Bonds', set in Pakistan.
An itinerant dancer, she stubbornly refuses her handler's attempts to pressure her into in prostitution, resulting in beatings from her would-be pimp. The main character Yugo Beppu intervenes when he sees Laila's handler assaulting her in a Karachi allay. After this brief encounter, Laila meets Yugo again at one of her dance performances. When Yugo and his Pakistani companion Ahmad witness the callousness of the pimp towards the maimed Laila, the compassionate Ahmad tries to bargain with the pimp for her release. Beppu, inspired by Ahmad's resolve to rescue Laila, redeems the dancer from the her handler with his watch.
Laila falls in love with the Japanese negotiator Beppu and accompanies him on a dangerous journey to meet a bandit chieftain, despite Beppu's repeated attempts to discourage her from following him. Brave and persistent, she proves an asset to him in many dangerous situations. Laila is a determined, resilient and resourceful woman who on more than one occasion saves Yugo's life at a critical moment. Yugo grows to trust her and rely on her during his mission. Without Laila, Yugo's mission would have come to an untimely, unsuccessful end. Laila, is IMHO, one of the most well-rounded, physically courageous anime heroines in a non-fantasy genre.
Character Name Lee Anime/Manga Title Gosick Appearance brown skin, black eyes, and wavy black hair Ethnicity Arab Background Lee is one of the Hares aboard the Queen Berry. The Hares were children representing the nations that would take part in the Great War, used for predicting the war's outcome.
Spurred by the Hunting Dog, the Hares were forced to suspect one another of murder and slowly kill one another. The ones who remained alive would be used to predict the nations that would emerge victorious. Lee represented the Ottoman Empire. Lee was one of the few children who refused to kill. She formed a friendship with Italy's representative, a girl named Julie, despite not sharing a common language. Lee gifted Julie with her locket and Julie took care of it until they met by chance as adults, when both were being taken to jail for enacting their revenge against the adults who ruined their lives as children. Julie then returned Lee's locket to her.
Despite being guilty of murder, Lee, like Julie, is painted as a sympathetic figure, given the background of the Hares as innocent children victimized by adults. She is described as 'a beautiful lady' by Inspector Grevil and appears during the Queen Berry case (Episodes 1-3).
Character Name Leviathan's son Anime/Manga Title Gosick Appearance Short straight dark brown hair, blue eyes, brown skin Ethnicity European/African Background The son of the mysterious famous court alchemist has a very minor role in Episode 21. His presence serves to confirm that the woman who rides the carriage with the main character Victorique is the real Queen Coco Rose, who escaped being killed and lived a quiet life with her son, the baby who also disappeared around the time Queen Coco Rose supposedly died.
He has dark skin and dark hair like his father, and his mother's blue eyes. Character Name Mary and her brother Anime/Manga Title Black Jack 21 Appearance light brown skin and big black eyes. Mary has very curly and dark reddish-brown hair. Her brother has black afro-textured hair.
Ethnicity Gabonese Background Mary is a minor character appearing in Episode 14 of Black Jack 21. Black Jack and Pinoko visit the Gabonese republic, where first village they go to is completely wiped out. On their way to the next closest village, they meet a little girl named Mary and her older brother. The siblings were visiting the grave of their grandfather.
Like everyone else from their village, the children distrust strangers. The other villagers are especially wary of doctors, after Dr. Kuma's appearance led to the death of many animals and people. However, Mary sneaks out and helps Black Jack and Pinoko find Dr. Kuma, without her brother's knowledge. She is less wary of them because her mother was saved with Kuma's help. After she brings them to Dr.
Kuma, her brother comes asking for help for his ailing mother. She is portrayed as a very sweet child who picks flowers for her grandparents and mother. She helps her brother and Pinoko convince the wary villagers to donate blood to Dr. Kuma, who risked his life saving Mary. Libro Para Aprender Piano Pdf. Character Name Matsuri Morita Anime/Manga Title Rocket Girls Appearance reddish brown skin, long straight black hair, black eyes Ethnicity Solomon Islander and Japanese Background Matsuri, a major character of the series, is the younger half-sister of the main character Yukari Morita. Their Japanese father had left his first wife, Yukari's mother, while vacationing in the Solomon Islands.
Years later, the teenage Yukari comes from Japan to track down her father, unexpectedly discovering that he had gone native with the Taliho tribe and married multiple local wives, one of whom bore him Matsuri. The two sisters join the astronaut training program at the low-budget Solomon Space Association, which is staffed by Japanese expatriates. Character Name Mercedes Herrera Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, long straight dark brown hair curled at the ends Ethnicity Frenchwoman of Catalan descent Background Mercedes is described as an 'absolutely beautiful woman'. She is the love interest of the titular character and the main reason for his fall and his return for revenge. Unbeknownst to her, her childhood friend Fernand framed her fiance Edmond out of jealousy for their love. Edmond is condemned to life imprisonment.
Believing him dead, Mercedes married Fernand years later. But Edmond makes his reappearance as the Count of Monte Cristo.
Character Name Michiko Malandro Anime/Manga Title Michiko and Hatchin Appearance brown skin, straight black hair Ethnicity Brazilian of mixed descent? Background Michiko's surname 'Malandro' is a Brazilian Portuguese term, not incompatible with the character of this tough, streetwise, free-spirited repeated jail-breaker. Escaped convict Michiko rescues Hatchin, a child who was being neglected and abused in her foster home. Michiko then takes Hatchin on a quest to find Hatchin's father, who also happens to be Michiko's old flame, dodging cops and battling gangsters along the way. Character Name Nico Robin Anime/Manga Title One Piece Appearance long straight black hair, olive skin, blue eyes Ethnicity unknown.
She names her techniques in a combination of Spanish and French. Background As a child, Nico was the last survivor of her village, Ohara, after the World Government ordered the persecution and death of the scholars of her island, then killed all the non-scholars just to be sure that there would be no survivors. Nico Robin grew up in hiding, moving from underground organization to underground organization, acting as a villain to survive, until finally joining the Straw Hat Pirates (the good guys).
Her lifelong quest is to find out about the 'blank century,' a lost period of history that the Ohara scholars were researching. Character Name Paninya Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, dark olive green eyes, straight black hair in stiff ponytail Ethnicity Unspecified Background Paninya appears in Episode 26 'Her Reason'. The tomboyish Paninya enters an arm wrestling match to prove the quality of the automail her father Dominic had installed. Winry, sympathetic to Paninya's desire to bring honor to her father's work, arranges for an automail match between the protagonist Ed and Paninya. Paninya is fiercely loyal to her father, who adopted her and fitted her with artificial limbs after she was maimed and orphaned in a train wreck. Character Name Patrick 'Panther' Spencer Anime/Manga Title Appearance dark brown skin,brown eyes, black hair Ethnicity African American Background A member of the American team, the NASA Aliens, Panther is a super-fast runner who wants to compete with Eyeshield, but the coach will not let him play due to an incident of insubordination in the past, and the coach's resentment of naturally-talented athletes arising from the ending of his own brief pro football career, when he was replaced by a more gifted athlete.
Panther lives with his grandmother, who gives Panther all her savings so he could travel to Japan with the team. They both reappear in the series when the Deimon team takes a training trip to America. Character Name Pedro Domingo Anime/Manga Title Appearance brown skin, black, wavy hair, blue-green eyes Ethnicity Columbian Background Pedro is a hard-luck case. He is a foreign worker in Japan, who misses his son and wife. He is killed in Episode 1 in an accident caused by Excel.
After that, his spirit wanders and has even more troubles, as he becomes the love-toy of the Great Will of the Macrocosm, finds that his sexy wife no longer loves him and was having an affair with That Gomez and has remarried. Pedro returns to the Great Will, but he is found by her other lover, That Man, who embeds him in a giant pudding, and sinks him in Tokyo Harbor. After the Great Will rescues him, Pedro builds himself up to battle That Gomez (That Man in disguise), and loses.
Nabeshin then trains him (and his son) in the lore of the Afro Warrior for the final, victorious battle. Character Name Pierre Vieira Anime/Manga Title Genesis of Aquarion Appearance brown skin, long straight dark brown hair, brown eyes Ethnicity Hispanic American? Background Pierre, a teenage soccer player from San Jose, is a student at DEAVA Academy, where youngsters with special abilities train as pilots to battle Shadow Angels, mythical beings who harvest humans. Pierre first encounters the main character Apollo when Apollo was a homeless street kid. Pierre attempts to detain Apollo, believing that he might be the long-sought reincarnation of Apollonius, the Shadow Angel who helped the humans fight against his own kind in the ancient past. After a fight with the Shadow Angels, Apollo returns to DEAVA with Pierre.
Apollo's coarse behavior earns him the scorn of more well-born classmates. Pierre is one of the few DEAVA students willing to acknowledge Apollo's abilities and cooperate with him, in spite of their at times rivalrous relationship. Pierre is a big flirt. He makes passes at both a male junior Jun Lee and a female classmate Reika on different occasions. He also has a dream about his female classmates and Jun Lee forming his harem. Despite his love for teasing his friends, Pierre has higher emotional intelligence than his peers, and tends to have more insight into others' moods and motivations. For more information, see.
For other uses, see. Gungrave •: Red Entertainment •: •: Naohito Hanai Tomohiro Maruyama Hidenori Tanaka Ken-ichi Iwaida Takashi Hata Masaaki Karube Naohito Hanai (character design) Series Gungrave Release •: July 18, 2002 •: September 16, 2002 •: November 29, 2002 Mode(s) Gungrave ( ガングレイヴ, Gangureivu) is a developed and published by ( in North America and in Europe) for the.
Gungrave follows its main character through a variety of stages on a path of revenge. While the game play received moderate reviews, Gungrave's acclaim comes from the character designs provided by series creator ( ) and mechanical designs provided by ( series, series, series). Both artist's respective styles helped give the game a distinct feel, which (along with fan support) helped Gungrave translate from a video game to an as well as a video game sequel for the entitled in 2004. Cinematics were provided by Ikusabune Co., Ltd., which developed the sequel with Red Entertainment's supervision. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Gameplay [ ] As a third-person shooter, Gungrave focuses entirely on combat and forgoes the puzzle solving aspects of some of its forebears. The player advances through hallway-like stages, but has a free range of motion in these areas.
The player confronts wave after wave of fighters en route to an end-level boss. Combat varies between gunplay with enemies at a distance and simple melee combat at close range, and the game rates the amount of flair the player uses to destroy everyone and every thing in sight. Beyond the Grave is equipped with a damage-absorbing energy shield that can absorb a large amount of damage in addition to his life bar. This shield appears as a blue bar alongside Beyond the Grave's life bar in the game's heads-up display. When the shield is fully depleted, the player is highly vulnerable and further damage reduces the character's health level rapidly. However, the shield will recharge fully if no damage is sustained for a brief period of time. By performing well during stages, the player can unlock special attacks such as machine guns or rockets launched from the on Beyond the Grave's back.
These can be used by charging the beat meter which is represented by a skull on the top left corner of the game's heads-up display. To build the beat meter, Beyond the Grave must perform combos sometimes numbering in hundreds of hits (destroying enemies or practically anything in the game environment). Strategy is required in setting up combos that are as long and devastating as possible, which helps to carry on the over-the-top action of the game. Stages and some important events within stages are separated by anime cut-scenes featuring art by Nightow.
This is where the game's story takes place. Characters are expanded on and the player is given back story that is not obvious through gameplay alone. • • IGN Staff... Retrieved January 22, 2007. • ^ David Smith... Retrieved January 17, 2007.
• Laidlaw, Mike (October 26, 2002).. The Adrenaline Vault.
Archived from on February 16, 2006. Retrieved February 21, 2011. • Mark MacDonald.... Retrieved April 20, 2008. • プレイステーション2 - ガングレイヴ. Weekly Famitsu.
30 June 2006. • Greg Kasavin... Retrieved January 17, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2007.
Retrieved January 17, 2007.