Fairbanks Ultegra Scale Drivers
Amazon.com: Fairbanks Ultegra Scb-r9000-adv Flat Top Scales 150-pound Capacity SCB-R9000-ADV: Electronic Postal Scales: Office Products. Ultegra™ Bench Scale. Include a specifically identified warranty notice for the product, Fairbanks Scales makes no representations or warranties with. RS232 Setup - Connect the RS232 serial cable to an unused serial port on your computer. Use the configuration procedure supplied with your freight.
We have some Fairbanks SCB R9000-14U scales we got from UPS for use with their WorldShip program. Toyota Tech Stream Keygen Mac. They also bought us some Dell Optiplex 380's running Windows 7 for use with WorldShip. We have three complete systems. About six months ago one of the scales started to reset periodically. The scale would read 'usbrst' and you'd have to unplug it (they are powered by USB) then plug it back in and configure it in WorldShip.

Thinking the scale was to blame we replaced it with one of the older serial scales we had. Now another one of the USB scales has started to do the same thing on a different computer. There doesn't seem to be a pattern as to when it happens, usually it happens a few times a day at random. Some days it doesn't happen at all. We tried switching scales and the problem stayed with the computer, not the scale. So I've checked the drivers and BIOs, and all three Dells have the same drivers and BIOs revisions. The USB drivers are standard Microsoft drivers.
I also tried switching USB ports, even to the ones in the front that are attached as a separate card. The same problem on all of them. The scales have optional power source so I bought a power adapter and plugged it in. Www Bengali Tv Serial Net.
It would power the scale and it would work just fine until it was plugged in to the computer as well, then it would start acting up. The only thing I can think of is that the Dell Optiplex 380s have a USB controller issue and that's what's causing our problem. I checked around the internet and Dell's website and saw no mention of such an issue. I just want to make sure I exhaust all my resources before sending in two of our three warehouse machines to be replaced under warranty. Anybody got any ideas? We are still experiencing the issue as well.
It didn't happen for two weeks after I installed SP1 to the computers but since then the issue has come back full force. In fact, now it is happening on both computers that are using this specific scale, not just the one. We are going to try a PCI card, but I really don't think it's going to make a difference considering we've already tried external power and the usb slots on the front (usually a different card and controller if I'm not mistaken) and neither work. Here's the solution. Change the Power settings to 'Always On', then do the following: • Click Start, and then click Run. • Type regedit, and then click OK.
Registry Editor opens. • Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services USB • If the DisableSelectiveSuspend registry entry is present, double-click it. If it is not present, create the entry. To create the entry, follow these steps: • On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD. • Type DisableSelectiveSuspend, and then press ENTER.
• On the Edit menu, click Modify. • In the Value data field, type 1 to disable the Selective Suspend feature, and then click OK. • Exit Registry Editor. These steps will fix it. Natemuleski, I wanted to thank you for figuring this out, we recently upgraded our shipping system to windows 7 and WorldShip 2012 and a scaled that has been working flawlessly for years started cutting out randomly throughout the day. The strange this is our unit is still connected via a COM port. All we have to do is toggle the unit on an off and it started picking back up.
I have contacted fairbanks support, hopefully they will have a solution. Just out of curiosity what mode fairbanks scale are you using?
Had the same problem with usbrst displaying on the scale (Fairbanks SCB R9000) LCD after a few minutes. Unplugging/replugging the cable and reconfiguring the scale in Worldship solves the problem temporarily. Easy enough, but obviously we didn't want to have our shipping guys doing this several times a day, so it was a real problem. Our scale says model R9000-14ADV on the label, but I suspect it's a 14U because that's what we choose in the Worldship config. It's connected to an Optiplex 780 with Win7 Pro 32 bit running Worldship 12. We are testing this system in conjunction with an upgrade to our ERP system. Tried updating the 780's BIOS and installing the latest chipset drivers, verified the power settings in the Windows control panel applet and checked the USB subkey in the registry as suggested here (there was none so I didn't pursue further).
None of these steps resolved the issue. Outside of Spiceworks, there was very little on the net on this issue. A coworker had hooked the scale up to an old Precision 360 (XP Pro 32 bit) and couldn't re-create the issue, so it was a difficult to determine if it was the scale, the Optiplex 780 or a combination of both that was the cause.
Decided to call Fairbanks and they got back to me within a day or so. After getting the serial number off the unit and providing visual confirmation this was a USB only unit (we have another R9000-14ADV but it has both USB and serial connection), the support person started the RMA process. Shipped the scale back and they swapped the buggy board. The support person at Fairbanks indicated the boards are only found in the newer, USB-only SCB R9000s. He said once they get them, it's a simple matter of replacing the board and then they try to ship it back the same day. Indeed, we got the scale back pretty quick, hooked it up to the 780 and we haven't seen the problem since. Unbeknownst to me my coworker had already called Fairbanks several weeks earlier.
Perhaps Fairbanks was unaware of the issue at the time (seems unlikely looking at the dates of these posts) or there was some miscommunication, but he got nowhere at that time. He was pursuing the issue with UPS and getting nowhere when I contacted Fairbanks the second time. So, when contacting Fairbanks be specific about the problem and if you're using Worldship, mention that. I'm not sure, but it seemed that being a UPS customer may have had some significance.
Anyhow, I'm glad I didn't know about the initial contact with Fairbanks because we may have never gotten this resolved. We were looking at using another model Dell PC as the fix. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to post here at helping us resolve this problem. I am having the same issue with two Dell 7010 desktops, Windows 7 x64 and Toledo PS60-5115 scales (part # 311090556) connected via USB. I have UPS Worldship, Fedex Ship Manager and USPS Click-n-Ship installed on the computers and didn't have any problems for the past 6 years until I put in these 7010's.
For the past 3 years, I had Dell Optiplex 780's with Win7 x64. UPS tech support said this is a common problem if you have Worldship and Ship Manager installed on the same computers. FedEx supplied the scales, so their suggestion was to connect the scales via serial. I tried that but while FedEx Ship Manager sees the scales, UPS Worldship can't. I'll post if I get a permanent solution. Edited Sep 20, 2013 at 3:12 UTC.
JeffSe wrote: I am having the same issue with two Dell 7010 desktops, Windows 7 x64 and Toledo PS60-5115 scales (part # 311090556) connected via USB. I have UPS Worldship, Fedex Ship Manager and USPS Click-n-Ship installed on the computers and didn't have any problems for the past 6 years until I put in these 7010's. For the past 3 years, I had Dell Optiplex 780's with Win7 x64. UPS tech support said this is a common problem if you have Worldship and Ship Manager installed on the same computers. FedEx supplied the scales, so their suggestion was to connect the scales via serial. I tried that but while FedEx Ship Manager sees the scales, UPS Worldship can't. I'll post if I get a permanent solution. JeffSe, thanks for posting that.
I'm having the exact same issue. Except we can't connect via serial unless we get a PCI card. I'll be contacting support and will post back if I hear anything helpful.