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Submissions Forest City Gallery (FCG) is seeking dynamic submissions from artists and curators across disciplines. FCG is an artist-run centre founded on artistic autonomy with a commitment to excellence in programming exhibitions and events that reflect recent developments in cultural production. FCG is looking for innovative proposals from artists and curators of all disciplines and career levels with a focus on emergent artists and practices. FCG serves to foster and support contemporary art, promoting dialogue amongst local, regional, and international arts communities. As an artist-run centre, FCG is most interested in works/projects that are experimental, progressive and impactful. We are enthusiastic about artists' most recent endeavors and those art forms, which propel contemporary production and incite conversation. The main criterion for selections is to fulfill our mandate and bolster our value statements.
Artists are paid in accordance to CARFAC fees. All submissions must be emailed to Submissions must include: A fully filled out application form Artist CV Press Examples (Optional) Above documents should be merged into a single PDF 15 images of existing and/or proposed work Submissions (excluding images) should be merged into a single PDF.
Paper/mailed submissions will no longer be accepted. Notification can be expected approximately 3 months following the jury date, by email. The adjudication process takes several months to prepare and process after the submission deadline. Only successful candidates will be contacted. If you have any questions concern the application process, contact us at Forest City Gallery has two annual submission deadlines: March 15th and September 15 th OAC Exhibition Assistance Grants This program is open to Ontario-based professional visual artists, craft artists and media artists who have a confirmed, upcoming public exhibition. The program provides grants of $500 to $1,500 to assist individual artists with costs related to presenting their work in an exhibition. Exhibitions in Ontario, in other Canadian provinces and in international locations are all eligible.
For full program guidelines and an application form, please see the All submissions for this program should be sent to: / Subject: OAC Exhibition Assistance Application.