Unable To Uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center Driver Update
User 's solution on: I was able to fix this. First, I stopped and disabled both WMDC services under Computer Management >Services. Then, I found mobsync.exe in the Windows/System32 folder, went into 'Permissions' for it, took ownership, then removed all the accounts except the 'Everyone' permissions. For Everyone, I set it to 'Deny All'.

I now have no WMDC or sync stuff popping up. I can still browse the phone from My Computer >TYTN II. I can also still use MyMobiler to control the phone from Windows, so this doesn't kill the USB connection at all. Hope this helps someone.
Toyota Tech Stream Keygen Mac. Tried uninstalling WMDC, rebooting with device unplugged, reinstall with another download from microsoft site, with the update also, then plug in the device, driver still not getting installed correctly, plus WMDC will not open when you launch it from the start menu, you see the spinning hourglass for a. How To Install A Head Unit In A Vt Commodore.