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— The intended meaning is an inversion of the plain meaning. Pretty simple, really, but somehow a difficult concept for some to grasp.
Let's describe what irony is not, since that is where the confusion mainly comes from (and ). • It is not a lie. • It is not a joke. • It is not a coincidence. • It is not a tragedy. • It is not merely anything unexpected. • It is not the same as sarcasm.
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• It is understands. Note Which is ironic, don't you think?

Irony can overlap with those, but just by themselves, they are not irony. This is where the confusion of the meaning of the word usually starts. People try to. It's rather common in fiction for.
It enjoyed a renaissance in thanks to, which is a concept of irony. There are seven main situations where Irony belongs: Socratic, Verbal,, Tragic, Situational, Cosmic, and Historical. If something does not fit in any of these, it is not irony. Socratic This type is completely different from the others.
First employed by (hence the name), it's more of a debating tool than modern irony. Thus it rarely overlaps with the other types. In a nutshell, this is the use of constant questioning in order to reveal the truth of any position. You know how? This is the more sophisticated version. You keep of the topic, in order to force the other person to. The irony lies in the fact that you are treating the other person as one possessing coveted knowledge and/or wisdom far above your 'lowly' station, the whole point in doing so is to expose the fact that they are, in fact, not.
Favors this method, as do many professors (particularly law professors). Closely related to.
— defining verbal irony (though not, as he believes, irony as a whole; ) Verbal irony is part of the modern irony types, but it differs from the others in that the irony is intentional. Basically, you state something in a manner that has literal connotation, but expresses something different in the context of the situation. This may be done for any number of reasons, but typically the intent is either humor or emphasis. Again, you have to intentionally create this difference in order for it to be verbal irony.
If you deny that you're upset, but in an angry tone, that's just plain denial, not irony. You mean to try to convince people you are calm, but your tone betrays you.
To be verbal irony you have to deny it in a calm tone, but deliberately make it clear you are seething on the inside and want the other person to know it. Note, however, that just because this example wouldn't be verbal irony, this doesn't mean it couldn't be ironic; the irony in this case would be situational, since it's not intended by the speaker. The distinction between irony and sarcasm is that sarcasm is meant to mock things. The two frequently overlap, but not all verbal irony is sarcastic and not all sarcasm is ironic. Using the case above, denying your anger in a deliberately angry tone would be sarcasm, but would not be verbal irony because the angry tone would imply your intention.
Note, however, that although a sarcastic tone does betray the ironic intent of the words used, this does not mean that irony is no longer present. Indeed, it is only tone and context that distinguish verbal irony from outright lying.
For example, take the film About a Boy. The main character's father wrote a hit song, and every time he mentions the song, people start singing it. When the eponymous boy and his mother do the same, they apologize, seeing the look on his face. When they mention he probably got that a lot, he politely says, '.'
If he had said it in a sarcastic (that is, openly derisive) tone, that would be sarcasm. If he had said it in a normal tone, and added something like, 'In fact, I'd like people to do it all the time,' there would be a hint of mocking, also making it sarcasm.
But since he said it the way he did, it's just an example of verbal irony. One non-sarcastic form of verbal irony is the 'ironic simile'. A common example would be the expression 'clear as mud'; the message conveyed is the polar opposite of the adjective used, and this is made clear by the fact that the noun used for comparison is obviously not something possessing that quality. Now, what about lying?
Though it may at first seem as though they may overlap, this is not really the case. Verbal irony has the intention of getting the meaning across. As in the example from About a Boy, he did mean that they were not the first, but that he was being nice about it. In the case of most lies, the intention is not to give that hint; it's just outright deception.
This is basically letting the audience in on something of which one or more characters is unaware. Thus any actions or words from the character about this thing are ironic to the audience, because we know better. Prince Phillip meets Briar Rose, but neither of them knows that other is royalty (and ).
The Prince's father is horrified to learn that Phillip wants to marry a commoner, and it seems as though they can't be together, but we know who Briar Rose really is, so we know that they can. So this literally applies any time the audience is in on something, and watching characters react without knowing what the audience knows. Often a key part of a screwball comedy, but it can just as easily be played for drama or tragedy, such as in Shakespeare's, where the audience knows that Iago is lying long before the characters do. Another way to create opportunities for Dramatic Irony in a story is to alter the chronology of its telling, by making use of or doing the whole tale. This style allows characters to make promises that the audience already knows were ultimately broken. Has its own trope page. Situational In truth, a more fitting term would be 'Expectational Irony', since that is what it covers.
Situational Irony is when the outcome of some situation or action is the exact opposite of the expected outcome. A man who is accused of being gay tries to prove he isn't by discussing his muscles and virility with his (male) friends, however this comes across as an attempt to flirt with them. Take the trope, for example. The expectation is for safety features to ensure that something is, well, safe, and then the safety feature itself turns out to be dangerous. Or see the tropes and.
This, in a nutshell, is what people mean, or think they mean, when they say 'that's so ironic.' Tragic This is a specific type of dramatic irony, usually found in a,, or in general a story with a. The character's words or even actions are not ironic to them (or perhaps anyone in the story), but the audience is fully aware that their actions will bring about a tragic or deadly result, all while they ostensibly fight against such a result. A tragedy can have dramatic irony in it without being tragic irony; tragic irony depends on the audience knowing how the story ends ahead of time. This might be intentionally produced by a, such as making the whole piece a so the audience sees the end first ('.'
), or it might be unintentional because,, or it could simply be a story whose ending the viewer is expected to from everyday life (such as, or ). For example: Charles wants to save his father from being jailed for 'helping' commit a murder he was framed for. In the process of clearing his father's name, Charles discovers that his father was innocent of that crime, but guilty of murdering Charles' mother, thus beginning the entire torturous process of trials, jail time, and eventual execution, as well as Charles learning something unforgivable about his father. This would be Tragic Irony if the audience knew from the start that the father had murdered his wife (say, if it were shown early in the film) and could foresee that investigating the father would lead to that discovery. If the audience discovered that fact at the same time as Charles, then it becomes situational irony (at least, the first time you watch the film) because the viewers and Charles suddenly realize that everyone would have been better off if he had never started investigating.
Cosmic Basically,. The difference between this and situational irony is a matter of degree, but if it causes a mess of some sort, it's usually this. It's situational in that the expectation is of course simplicity, but the way things tend to just snowball, often through no fault of the initiator, is this version. The fact that most are caused by the very act of trying to prevent them. Historical This is any of the above (save for Socratic), through hindsight.
We know it happened, and unless we, we know why it was ironic. Take the Oracle at Delphi's prophecy to Croesus that if the king went to war, he would 'destroy a great empire.' Since the empire that was destroyed was his own, it's a case of situational irony for Croesus (who chose to attack based on this supposed encouragement; his opponent was Persia, also a great empire at the time), verbal irony from the Oracle (who is entirely aware that Croesus will misinterpret her) note Assuming she knew that what she meant was 'Your empire will be destroyed'; the Delphic Oracle was famous for giving answers that would be right no matter what. In this case, she would be right in assuming that one empire or the other would be destroyed, since they were both great powers that would fight each other to the death., tragic irony for the audience (who already know how this is going to go), and possibly cosmic irony (for those who believe in hubris, like many Ancient Greeks did), but since it's in the history books, it's also historical irony. For some more lighthearted examples of historical irony, see the trope. Joking aside, irony does have a metallurgical definition, and predates the more generally accepted use of irony by at least 100 years.
Irony, as a term having to do with the metal iron, is pronounced 'ai- er-nee' (rather than 'ai- ruh-nee'). Irony is a to.: • and, especially if done in concert. • (you cause what you were trying to prevent) • (you are defeated by the very things that were supposed to be helping you) • (a trope plays out in the exact opposite manner in which is normally does) • • (you greatly succeed when you were aiming to fail) • (). • The trope is full of unfortunate examples of ironies caused by marketing strategy. • A commercial for Cliff's Notes has a pair of teenagers attending a festival where the local firefighters put on a display for fire prevention. A mishap causes the firefighters' display to catch fire.
One of the teenagers consults his Cliff's Notes for Fahrenheit 451 and • A 2014 commercial for 7Up shows a pickup truck with a flat tire. The truck is overloaded with used tires. The announcer says 'If we can pack this much irony into one scene, we can pack genuine 7Up flavor into ten calories.' •: • Index had her memories erased regularly, to prevent them overloading her mind ( actually a lie to keep her under control).
Touma removes the need for this. Only to get his memories erased. By a (brainwashed) Index, no less. • Accelerator kills over ten thousand with the goal of increasing his own power. After being stopped, he later chooses to save a particular Sister.
He devotes all of his power to doing so, which drops his normally-impregnable defense and allows someone to shoot him in the head. He survives, but with brain damage that would normally leave him unable to walk, talk or use his ability. To regain these functions, he's dependent on a device that uses the brainpower of the very same Sisters he'd been killing. •: • Mikoto sees one of her clones get brutally murdered. There's a brief flashback to before she knew about the clones, discussing the possibility with Kuroko.
Kuroko: What would you do if a clone of yours appeared before you? Mikoto: Ah, that would freak me out. I think I would wish it would just disappear.
[present]: Mikoto on Accelerator • One of the of the Sisters arc involves Kuroko learning that it's okay to rely on her friends, and that trying to do everything herself just causes problems. Cut to Mikoto, who is fighting a one-woman war against the Level 6 Shift project. • Reiner in is described by his instructor as having incredible willpower and mental fortitude and others rely on him, considering him stable and reliable. Not only is Reiner a mole, he is the Armored Titan who is completely invulnerable due to his armor plating and is mentally and emotionally unstable due to and is the least sane out of the Titan infiltrators.
• Eren has an all-consuming hate for Titans. He finds out he is a Titan shifter and several friends turn out to be the very Titans he hated the most — and worse, he became a Titan Shifter by eating his dad, who was also a shifter.
Furthermore, Eren has the ability to command regular Titans. • Human characters struggle with becoming monsters to effectively fight against the Titans. The monsters (Titan shifters) struggle with their humanity which decreases their ability to fight effectively. • had a moment of irony during the Fake Karakura Town arc. Kaname Tousen had been fighting Sajin Komamura, and revealed that he had gained hollow powers which, to Tousen's surprise, allowed him to see. However, as he was about to finish Sajin off, Hisagi attacked from behind, before remarking that Tousen would've dodged the attack easily if he hadn't been distracted (and, in effect, blinded) by his newfound sight. •: • A case occurs early on when nobody can figure out who Zero is, but Lelouch almost gets unmasked by a cat.
• Lelouch's entire plan to save the world was based on an attempt to make it 'gentler'. He cares about this plan so much he sacrifices his own life for it, but as he lies dying in front of her, she tells him that the only kind of world she ever wanted was one where they could live together.
• Also ironic is that at the beginning of the series, Lelouch took on the title of Zero, to become a symbol of Justice against the Britannian emperors tyranny, while Suzaku had joined the military hoping to change Britannia from within. At the end of the series, Suzaku and Lelouch had Their roles switched. Suzaku became Zero, as a symbol of Justice, never to live again as Suzaku Kururugi, while Lelouch became the Britannian Emperor, and gave his life in the process of changing the system from within.
• Prince Clovis became viceroy of Area 11 in order to make it peaceful for his deceased brother, Lelouch. Lelouch isn't dead, Clovis is an incompetent ruler - which he realized - and through his incompetence, Area 11 grows more violent. And Lelouch is the one who assassinates him for it. • Jeremiah Gottwald is dead-set on his mission to assert Britannian superiority against the rebellion because he believes that it's what Lady Marianne and her children would want.
The masked terrorist who has him disgraced is actually Lady Marianne's son. Though he remedies it in the second season.
Note the parallels between the parade scenes in season 1 stage 4 and season 2's final turn. • While Hell's Gate dolls powers out at random in, it seems to have a strong sense of irony in terms of who gets what or what price they must pay. Examples: The lesbian Mina Hazuki must french kiss men as her Remuneration; November 11 abhors smoking, so that's naturally what he must do every time he uses his powers; August 7's powers would sure have come in handy in his profession as a magician. If he didn't have to reveal the secret behind a similar stage trick immediately after, that is; and the one Contractor who gets to temporarily regain her conscience and humanity as her price? •: • Red Ribbon Army arc, the commander of the Red Ribbon Army wants to obtain all seven Dragonballs.
In retaliation, his second in command shoots him. In, which takes place over 200 years after that event, it is revealed that Dr. Gero took the commander's body and modified him into a mindless android. As a result, he now stands at least twice as tall as the player character. • Commander Red hiring Mercenary Tao to kill Goku ended up destroying the Red Ribbon Army since Tao killed Bora on a whim, which made Goku go after all of the Dragon Balls. Before then, Goku was only interested in the 4-star ball. • One has to be familiar with to fully appreciate the irony of the Goku versus King Piccolo fight.
Both are aliens who have long forgotten their real names and were sent to Earth to save their lives. The big twist, Goku came from a race of ruthless warriors who were also planet destroyers. Piccolo, or more correctly the Nameless Namek, came from a peaceful, benevolent race. After becoming Goku became a good person while Piccolo became corrupted. In another world and time, Goku would have been the conqueror and Piccolo would have been the savior. Even points out the irony of dedicating his entire life to avenging his father and killing Goku, only to die protecting Goku's son. • In the manga, Piccolo toyed with the idea of corrupting Gohan and turning him against his father.
But instead, the opposite ended up happening with Gohan's changing Piccolo and him becoming one of Goku's. • Frieza wiped out all the Saiyans because he was afraid that he will be beaten by a Super Saiyan.
Netobjects Fusion Essentials Deutsch Download. He was defeated by Goku, and ultimately killed by Future Trunks, both who are Super Saiyans. The true irony in the former case is that it was Frieza's own actions, killing Krillin and Vegeta, nearly killing Piccolo, and threatening to kill Gohan drove Goku into the Super Saiyan state. In essence, if Frieza hadn't been stupid enough to twist the knife, he probably wouldn't have had to deal with the thing he was most afraid of.
• The 'Episode of Bardock' special reveals that Bardock was sent back to the past and became the Legendary Super Saiyan. Meaning that Frieza was responsible for creating the very legend upon which he destroyed the Saiyan race for, and eventually his own death. • In Dragon Ball Minus it is revealed that Frieza recalled all the Saiyans to their home planet so he could kill them all at once. This clued Bardock in that something was wrong and sent Goku into space to space.
If Frieza hadn't decided to give the order, Goku would have never left Vegeta. • Bojack's last words are 'you fool, any last words before you die?!' • In the Cell Saga, Cell exploits Vegeta's and tendencies to convince him to attain his Perfect form to have a better fight, upon which he utterly trounces Vegeta. Afterwards, Trunks tries to take on Cell, only to discover that his increased muscle mass made him too slow to actually keep up with Cell, a realization that Cell quickly mocks him for.
In the Cell Games, Cell's own pride and tendencies are what lead him to deliberately piss Gohan off enough to reach Super Saiyan 2 to have a better challenge, upon which Gohan utterly trounces him. Furthermore, during his, Cell tries himself to beat Gohan, only to be too slow to actually do so; in this case, Trunks even flat-out states that Cell is making the exact same mistake that he had previously mocked Trunks for. • Few characters in the series have never been killed. The one who was never killed that was featured the most prominently was Hercule, who also happened to be the weakest of all the characters to never be killed.
• Despite Vegeta's desire to become stronger than Goku, the latter has never actually defeated him. In almost any match they fought is either interrupted or have Vegeta gain the upper hand. So the only reason Vegeta actually wants to be better is simply wounded pride that Goku could suddenly become better than him. •: • At the end of the Tartaros arc, it's revealed (to the audience) that the most powerful of the demons from the Books of Zeref, E.N.D., is the. Of whom Mard Geer (E.N.D.'
S faithful, who was trying to revive him) spent most of the last act of the arc trying to kill. The only one even aware of the irony of the situation is Zeref himself. • The Fiore Royal Family blames Zeref for Acnologia's transformation into a dragon. That's actually the one thing Zeref. For further irony, a lot of things Zeref was responsible for were the results of his plan to defeat Acnologia. • In, Truth appears to like irony.
Edward wants to support his family, so Truth takes his leg. Alphonse wants to feel his mother's embrace, so Truth takes his ability to feel.
Izumi wants to have a child, so Truth takes away her fertility. Mustang has a vision for the country, and Truth takes away his eyesight.
Father/Dwarf in the Flask/Homunculus didn't want to be a prisoner to anyone so Truth traps him behind the. See a pattern? • In TSR: • It's pretty ironic that Gauron of all people would call Gates 'one hell of a nutcase.'
Especially considering that he was perfectly serious when he was saying it. And yes, this is coming from the man who canonically wanted to kill Sōsuke and ' fuck his corpse up the ass.' • When it comes to Gauron, irony pulls double shifts. For instance, within Amalgam (an organization whose main members all have code names of metals which are chemically able to form amalgams with Mercury), Gauron's code name is Mr. Iron, a metal that is, in fact, not able to amalgamate with mercury at all. (It is, however, very resilient and highly magnetic.
Draw the parallels as you see fit.) It is mentioned in the later novels that Gauron had been given this name as a petty little in-joke, meant to set him apart as 'not really one of us'. After TSR, though, it became painfully obvious that the joke was in fact on Amalgam, as Gauron betrays them to Sōsuke. The consequences of his betrayal are still being felt a couple of novels later.
Not one of us, indeed. • Yet more irony that involves Gauron: In Sōsuke's life, it seems that every single one the men who eventually became close friends with him started out as his mortal enemy that he was trying to assassinate. Examples: Majid, whom Sōsuke was sent to assassinate (though his attempt failed), only to take a liking to Sōsuke and adopt him as his own son. He was described as an incredibly kind foster father to him — someone Sōsuke would always respect. Kalinin, whom originally was Sōsuke's enemy, since he was in the KGB and Sōsuke was an Afghan Guerilla — Sōsuke even tried to kill him, only to get kidnapped by him. Again, Kalinin treated him well, and liked him ever since the beginning (as he took a liking to Sōsuke ever since he rescued the boy as a baby), eventually resulting in Kalinin legally adopting Sōsuke as his son. Kurz, who was revealed to have been hired as a mercenary on the opposite side of Sōsuke in Lebanon, before either joined Mithril.
They almost ended up killing each other, and ended up developing a great amount of respect for each other, each claiming that the other was the strongest opponent they faced (despite being in Arm Slaves, meaning they didn't even see either's face). And then there's Gauron. Who was actually one of the few main male characters who met Sōsuke not as an enemy. And it was for the crazy guy, resulting in his attempt at, which was rejected.
And so, despite being one of the few guys who first met Sōsuke on semi-amiable terms, he turns out to be the guy Sōsuke hates most. • Miaka of is not fond of books very much.
And then she ends up in one. • In, Hayate does not believe any girl could ever like him.
The dramatic irony here is, EVERY girl likes him. Situational irony also occurs in the manga on Valentine's Day, when Hayate is talking to Maria. Hayate tells her all the reasons he feels like he will never get a girlfriend (Which are identical to the reasons she doesn't have a boyfriend) and believes he is not in any position to ever get one. Maria contemplates this afterward and realizes that the only man she can get and is interested in is Hayate.
Too bad her is also interested in him. • Dogma of has pupils. And is a demon.
•: Kazune has the power of the sun god Apollo, but he sunburns easily. Micchi has the power of the sea god Neptune, but he can't swim at all. • In: • It's rather ironic that Rokudo Mukuro, who hates the mafia more than anything else and would rather die than get captured by them, eventually becomes Tsuna's guardian.
• It's also become very ironic when the series keeps claiming that 'no-good Tsuna' is ugly and that no girl would want him. When he looks like after. Extra irony when he's become the fandom's that's.
• Rokudo Mukuro's main goal is to pull a on Tsuna and then proceed to destroy the mafia, and yet Daemon Spade's whole plan consists of doing the same thing, only via taking over Mukuro instead of Tsuna. • Tsuna is the only one who can see through Reborn's various when no one else can. In later chapters, he is the only one who doesn't recognize Reborn's adult form. •: Satsuki Kiryuin mocks Ryuko Matoi for having a goal as base and meaningless as avenging her father's death. Satsuki's own goal is to avenge her father and baby sister, who were both killed by her mother. Ryuko is that sister.
Their father secretly saved her, then faked his death and took on a new identity to raise her. •: • Fate spent most of as a criminal being pursued by the TSAB due to her attempts to earn the love of her psychic mother. Not only did she grow up to be a highly respected member of the TSAB, she was by the captain of the TSAB ship that captured her. • In the original continuity, Nanoha's father died before she was born. In the main Lyrical Nanoha continuity, she's the only major character to be raised by both of her biological parents. •: • The Wolkenritter were the ones who gave Hayate the will to live, yet they were -through no fault of their own- the cause of her terminal illness. To make it even more ironic, their plan to save her life would have killed.
• Hayate spent a good chunk of her childhood as a friendless orphan, yet she was at her while literally surrounded by friends and family. • At the end of the season, Hayate says that she'll be Nanoha and Fate's junior in the TSAB. Come StrikerS, she's their superior officer. •: • Quattro has the least amount of cybernetic implants among the, and yet she is. • Similarly, Subaru being a combat cyborg makes her the least normal of the Forwards, yet she was the only one with a normal childhood. • Dieci after the latter her is a double case of this. Not only is Nanoha one of the only mages at her level who is a baseline human, but Dieci herself is a genetically modified combat cyborg.
• During the attack on the Ground Forces HQ, Otto and Deed were responsible for kidnapping Vivio. Guess who end up joining the Saint Church (which worships the woman that Vivio was cloned from) after their? • Erio views Fate as a mother and Caro sees her as an older sister. From a legal standpoint, she's Caro's mother and Erio's sister (since she was too young to formally adopt him). •: • out of the fear that being perceived as 'weak' would cause her to lose everyone she cares about.
This very mindset ended up destroying her friendship with her Fuka. • She also accuses Vivio of being who never experienced any hardship, unaware of the fact that Vivio is adopted and had gone through than the bullying that she had to deal with. • Jill believes that, which puts her at odds with Nove (who thinks than anyone can excel at martial arts if they have the right training). Jill is a baseline human who earned her skill via, and Nove is a combat cyborg. • A consistent part of Nanoha's backstory across every single continuity is that she comes from a family of skilled swordsmen.
The only continuity where she has said swordsmanship training is, a series where all the fighting is in a virtual reality card game that would render said skills useless. •: • While secretly investigating as a student and forced to hide his powers, Aladdin is remarked to possess 'just above average' magoi. He is actually one of the Magi who is able to use and wield unlimited amount of magoi.
• Hakuryuu is presented as a contrast to the rest of his siblings who are war-mongering and imperialist. Then it turns out he could care less about the Kou empire and only wants to for murdering his father and two brothers, not caring who stands in his way, leading him down a dark path and making him worse than any of his siblings.
• In, the Mycene send one of their generals to attack before he can ride his, Mazinkaiser. Said general is stopped by someone piloting a different mecha. Thus, the plan to kill before he gets on his mecha is stopped by a riding a mecha. •: • Tohru is a who hates gods, yet she has dedicated her life to serving as Kobayashi's maid (a job that involves keeping things orderly) and one of her closest friends is a (former) goddess. • Despite being a high ranking Chaos Dragon, Tohru's father is the only one who abides by the.
• Elma is a harmony dragon who's supposed to keep order, yet her introduction featured her causing chaos by smashing through the wall of Kobayashi's apartment. By contrast, all of the Chaos Dragons (and the one neutral one) were polite enough to use the front door. •: • Early on in the series, Duo locates the sunken, damaged Wing Gundam and decides to take it for his backup supply. Two episodes later, Wing has been salvaged but needs to be repaired overnight for a new mission despite a lack of spare parts. Heero manages it anyway, which amazes Duo until he finds out that Heero stole the needed parts from his Gundam, Deathscythe. Though Duo's reaction is only aimed at the treachery because he was complementing Heero's work just moments prior.
• Also from episode four, Noin tells Zechs that her new graduate soldiers. Avantgarde Bk Bt Eclipse Font Larger. She was right, but not for the reasons she thought.
•: • In the Chuunin Exams arc, the exam participants are given an extremely difficult written test; so difficult, in fact, that most of the participants are forced to cheat in order to pass. The only participant who is shown not to have cheated is, who is smart enough to understand and answer the questions fairly.
As it turns out, the point of the test was to see how skilled the participants were at secretly gathering information i.e. How well they could cheat without getting caught. In other words, Sakura passed the test by unwittingly ignoring the actual objective of the test. Naruto didn't know any of the answers, but still refused to cheat and managed to pass due to the, so he also passed despite ignoring the actual objective of the test. He passed by turning in a blank test, which is also ironic. • The first time that the village openly showed respect for Naruto was after his fight with Neji, a fight that he won by using that they hated him for. And the point where he was accepted as a hero was during his fight against Pain, where he gave into the power of the fox (the very thing that people were afraid of the entire time).
• When Sakura gave her to Naruto as a way, he told her that.