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Watch_Dogs 2 is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It is the sequel to (released in 2014) and is set in the Bay Area (which includes the titular city itself,, Silicon Valley, and Marin County). The game was released for, and PC November 2016. It centers around a new protagonist, Marcus Holloway. Whereas Aiden Pearce (the first game's protagonist) went on to avenge his niece's death, Marcus, instead, is on a quest to clear his name after he was arrested for a cybercrime he didn't commit, and is on the side of rebel hacker group DedSec, who are trying to take down the newly installed ctOS 2.0 and the various corrupt entities within the Bay Area.
Several gameplay additions and improvements have been made to this game, as part of the feedback regarding the mixed reactions garnered by the original game.. •: Aside from the widespread adoption of the ctOS system, the world is otherwise on the same technology level to our own, but there are still a few hints that it takes place a few years forward.
The most obvious is that the game presents the Salesforce Tower as being fully completed, whereas it was still under construction in 2016. •: Ubisoft is getting better but like in the characters in Watch_Dogs 2 still can't consistently get the pronunciation of Marin right. •: The Sons of Ragnarok are depicted as a stand-in for the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, being based within the San Fransisco Bay Area and recognized as a criminal organization.
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The group as a whole appears to hold far-right and neo-Nazi sentiments. •: Sitara maintains a which shows some interesting information about several factions in the game. For example, a Blume executive who hired Prime_Eight to attack their servers is also a high-ranked member of New Dawn. •: DedSec takes over Lenni's after completing the Prime_Eight quest line. •: In the final mission, the player temporarily controls Sitara and Wrench while Marcus plays. •: Subverted. When discussing dirt about their targets, the main characters outright say that what they've been doing such as manipulating social media to help their favored political candidate and firing employees for searching for specific terms on social media is illegal.
Played straight in the fact Blume is their primary target over their mass-data mining, insider trading, and election fraud when lesser targets include drug dealers as well as human traffickers. Then again, Blume is responsible for the 2007 financial crisis. Driver So Pro 617 Drivers.
•: Several characters, particularly Wrench, are quite prone to this when they're angry. •: Of a sort. Had all the same ctOS exploits that DedSec had by Clara who was a member, and he gave the exploits he developed to T-Bone who later joins the group. Marcus, however, needs to unlock the skills for himself. This is justified, since Blume has upgraded to ctOS 2.0 and has patched most of the known exploits, which Sitara even laments as DedSec missing the opportunity to do something big.

•: Dusan uses nearly every main mission in the game to his advantage. • Dušan's first big plan of attack against DedSec involves baiting them into going after big companies and New Dawn through engineering certain situations, from using a thinly-veiled parody in CyberDriver to send them after New Dawn to getting another CTO to announce that Haum 2.0 was hacker-proof. This accomplishes his primary goal of selling ctOS 2.0 to Silicon Valley, giving him even more control over the country. • Then there's the!NVite attack, where he manages to goad Marcus out into the open by using fake social media accounts to boost their app download numbers, to get in some to Marcus and lure him into a trap, where he also reveals that he has engineered most of the events Dedsec was using to gain publicity purely so he could sell ctOS to Silicon Valley. This was so effective that it nearly drove the San Francisco DedSec into disbanding!
• Then there's the Galilei hack. Dušan helped the Auntie Shu Boys hack into the Undersea Cables, allowing them to perform insider trading. When DedSec takes them out, Dušan made sure the cable hack was exposed, showing that the Undersea Cables were vulnerable, causing companies to sign up to Blume's faster satellite uplinks instead. •: How Marcus gets some information about New Dawn.
He calls the group's Auditor/Inquisitor and impersonates Siska to delay their meeting, before turning up at Siska's apartment as the Auditor and gets Siska to talk about some 'Rumors' about the church. •: The 2007 Financial Crisis comes up in a quest.
It's Blume's fault. •: Dušan Nemec, the Chief Technology Officer of Blume. •: With Mary Catskills, the CEO of!NVite, although Mary only comes up during the Mark Thruss quest line and the beginning of the final mission.
It's also shown not to be an uneasy alliance with Catskills even getting Nemec's secretary to install a backdoor into Blume's servers for her behind Nemec's back. •: Invoked by Dušan, where most of the main questlines are because he's pulling the strings to draw out DedSec. The main villains of each are his business partners or people he's hired, with the exception of New Dawn and the Tezcas. •: Like the first game, the cars in the game are modified real world cars with fictional names and brands. •: The takedown you get with the Shuffler outfit lifts the enemy into the air and forces them through a series of absolutely painful-looking contortions for a couple seconds before dropping them to the ground. •: Enforcers return from as common enemies who resist large amounts of damage from ordinary firearms. Enforcers no longer wear bomb suits and are easier to dispatch, but keep the same battle strategy of slowing advancing towards the player's position while constantly firing a powerful gun.
Enforcers can either be, or wearing bulletproof vests, depending on what organization they are affiliated with. •: The story seems to have a heavy moral against overuse of technology, pointing out how it can be used in corrupt ways. The problem is that DedSec gains followers via social media., this plays right back into the game's intentions: New technology can do both horrible and great things. •: DedSec runs a pirate radio station that can be heard throughout the Bay Area. •: Enemies wearing bulletproof vests can take more damage from firearms than regular enemies.
Enforcers who are criminals often wear vests with images that represent their gang,. •: Several main quest lines are started after the target directly attacks DedSec via the media, with the counterattack publicly humiliating them.
The fights were engineered by Blume to get DedSec to attack them as part of their schemes, making this an invoked trope. • does this twice - the first time, their shill Jimmy Siska stars in a movie called CyberDriver with the villains being of DedSec (Although Marcus and Wrench are more into it because ). The second time, New Dawn DMCA'd DedSec's parody video of the CyberDriver trailer which caused Marcus to help Siska to defect and destroy their 'Holy Relics', proving beyond reasonable doubt that New Dawn are conning their followers. • Haum's CTO went on TV to boast that Haum 2.0 was completely hackproof then publicly insulting DedSec live on air. If you happen to know the incident with Anonymous and HB Gary Federal note It's listed in the section of you should know what's coming.
• installs ransomware onto their servers and, when Marcus speaks to her, demands that they make a video slandering themselves or they'll release member names. Cue DedSec screwing Prime_Eight out of a deal with the Sons of Ragnarok and crashing her. • The FBI is trying to force hackers into working for them via blackmail and intimidation, but then they kidnapped Wrench, beat the shit out of him, and stole his mask. This really ticks off Marcus.
• kidnapped Horatio, tried to force him to turn on DedSec for them, and stabbed him to death when he refused. Marcus goes on a, burning several drug shipments for the Tezcas before beating or killing the four Tezca members who killed Horatio. • One side operation is based around another group doxxing DedSec. Notably lampshaded in the mission description.
We're not just going to shut them down, we're going to make sure they get a spanking for their efforts. •: Iraq's orange vest is actually a purchasable piece of clothing.
•: With the override hack, Marcus can control parked cars to mow down anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way. With proper timing and positioning, it's not far-fetched to clear out an entire enemy encampment with nothing but a squadron of remote-controlled battering rams. •: The Tezcas, being an expy of the Los Zetas drug cartel. Unlike the Zetas, however, •: ' has given you the truth. Do what you will.' •: The abuse of new technologies by those with power to oppress others, just like the first game. Only it's more of the focus of the plot rather than a plot.
• The game does point out that it's not just any that can do this, but rather anyone with even the slightest semblance of power. One is calling fake terrorist threats against other players online and one overheard phonecall is about a system admin getting fired for stealing a coworker's contact details and. •: The penultimate mission brings back the fan-favorite Spider Tank from the first game. Except it's not a Digital Trip. It's real, it's armed, and in a decade, Blume hopes it'll be ready for combat zones and riot control. The data from players was probably being used to perfect it.
•: The New Dawn is a with ties to famous actors who use their influence to ruin others' lives for their own goals. According to others, they're functionally a criminal organization masquerading as a religion. •: In addition to DedSec, there are other hacking groups in the Bay Area who seek to exploit the ctOS for their own gain. •: Gene Carcani is described as having laughed on television about drastically increasing the price of leukemia medicine made by his pharmaceutical company. • Most of the villains, actually.
Dušan Nemec is a Blume executive and the main, Mary Catskills is the CEO of!NVite and is manipulating user data to her own ends and both are rigging an election via hacking and blackmail, Steven Bader is the Chief Technology Officer of Haum and is selling confidential user information to insurance companies for a kickback, a bank is profiting by altering health insurance premiums based on their customers' credit card purchases. •: Congressman Mark Thruss is involved in a scheme with social media giant!Nvite to influence the voting ballots in his favor and remove evidence of any wrongdoing on his part. •: Everybody swears.
Mostly Wrench. •: Most technology for Wrench, to the point where Marcus outright tells him it's not healthy, but especially Wrench Jr. When Ray suggests putting an EMP inside of it to attack Tidis, Wrench is furious but begrudgingly goes along with it. •: One of the side quests is based around Marcus leaking information about a new game by, acknowledging some of their own real games which were leaked.
Female Boss: Can you? Can you assure me? After what happened with,,? •: Aiden Pearce is confirmed to have shut down a human trafficking ring in Watch Dogs 1 (Which was a side quest chain in the first game), and, judging by the team's reactions to him, he canonically avoided civilian casualties. •: Lenni, the leader of _, is a biohacking enthusiast and has a hacking device embedded into her arm.
•: Wrench's words are usually dripping with sarcasm and snark. •: Safe to say, this game doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as its predecessor and has more wacky situations and comedic moments in it. •: Sitara and Wrench have some unique animations, in particular Sitara's vaulting slide which has her sliding knees closed and forward, similar to running slide.
• Wrench's equipment is pre-selected but it still comes equipped with a non-lethal grenade launcher for players looking to complete a. • In 'Power to the Sheeple', Wrench sets up a zipline for you to use to escape a highrise while music plays dramatically in the background; however, if you don't use the zipline, he calls Marcus to express his disappointment. David Laser Scanner 3 5 Keygen Crack here.
•: • The FBI is gathering blackmail material on hackers to force them into servitude and those who don't comply. They're also working for Blume. • The Oakland PD is revealed to be this in the ' Side Operations, as they're using ctOS to, and to get away with illegal criminal deals (such as a car theft ring with, with, having, and even taking people to Alcatraz to execute before dumping their bodies into the sea) by being registered as 'undercover'. The ending is more optimistic, showing that the corrupt cops will get put away and a proper investigation launched. •: Marcus can make drones to not only spy on people, but also to use for long distance hacks and attacks. •: Downplayed with the Marin DedSec hackerspace you take over from Prime_Eight.
While much larger than the other hackerspaces, it still has the same range of amenities the other hackerspaces have. •: During the final mission, you get to play as Wrench, who has all the best weapons in the game and for all of them. •: Enemy gangs can be baited to fight each other with a skill, and can even fight without Marcus' intervention note You'll occasionally see a notice saying, [Gang 1] are in conflict with [Gang 2]. •: Miranda is not happy when Marcus tells her he's with DedSec as a lot of people she personally knows wants to see the group in jail, but she co-operates with him to take on New Dawn.
• Lenni, from rival Hacker group Prime_Eight, teams up with DedSec in the DLC, Human Conditions, to help take down a company experimenting on the homeless so she can steal their nanotech for herself. When given a mission to rescue a prisoner, they'll see themselves out after you reach them, leaving you free to concentrate on your own survival. •: DedSec do not tolerate internet trolls, especially those who put innocent lives at risk.
One side quest is Marcus going after a recent recruit who's been Swatting to get an advantage. •: This takes the form of how many subscribers Marcus racks up on DedSec's social media accounts. The justification is that this represents how many people will be downloading the DedSec app on their phone, which helps create a cloud database that they draw from. •: • DedSec remains from the last game as one of Anonymous.
• Nudle is an obvious stand-in for, and has a map system that can be used by Marcus. •!NVite is a harsh take on social media services such as and. • Gallilei is one for Tesla, both being tech companies named after the surnames of prominent scientists. • Swelter Skelter is this world's Burning Man. • Cyber Driver is the Watch_Dogs equivalent of, including having a that talks.
• Driver SF is basically Uber, being an app that you can use to call someone nearby as an impromptu cabbie. •: Dušan meets Marcus in the!NVite building which Marcus breaks into. He's in a with Mary Catskill,!NVite's CEO. •: If Marcus is taking a selfie, the pedestrians that pass by may strike a pose in the background. •: • Dedsec is quite concerned about their reputation, and even have an obnoxious SWAT-er arrested because he was associated with them. However, there are no negative consequences to bad behavior in game.
There's nothing stopping Marcus from tossing IED's into traffic, gunning down security guards in order to complete his objectives, massacring cops, or starting Bay-wide police chases. Just like in the first game, it's also perfectly acceptable to steal money from people's bank accounts. The same people who you want to protect from spying corporations. In fact, the karma system the first game had (Where if Aiden's reputation was low enough, civilians would call the police on him) has been removed.
• Marcus and the rest of Dedsec condemn a member who swats other people playing. Marcus gaining the ability to hack someone's profile to make them a high value target for the gangs or the police (Up to and including SWAT teams) never goes mentioned. •: Several street gangs such as The 580's, the Auntie Shu Boys, and the Tezcas are involved in a struggle for control of the criminal underworld across the Bay Area. They can also be used to your advantage with an upgrade that lets you pin enemies as targets for nearby gangsters.
•: Naturally, since the game takes place in, the Castro is featured in the game's map. •: • DedSec as a whole are rather rude and mean, but they are an.
That said, Marcus can still be a terrible person, murdering civilians, causing tons of property damage, and generally being a dick. • Wrench, who is insulting to their enemies, but still a to the rest of the crew. •: Discussed in an interceptable conversation, due to a record label disliking the band name 'This Bullshit'. •: • One side operation involves finding out who doxxed several DedSec members before they release the information. Once Marcus finds out it was Prime_Eight, and that they're planning to hijack the airwaves to broadcast the names on public radio, he swaps the DedSec list with one on the hackers themselves.
• A serious problem in the story later on, since Marcus' ctOS profile was restored by Dušan and there was a warrant put out with his name on it. •: Rather funnily, the game that the SWATTing is playing in the side mission to get rid of him (by breaching into his own house with a SWAT team) is Ubisoft's own, a game all about breaching with special forces.
•: Said word for word by Marcus in a video log during the mission regarding New Dawn's Sumerian tablets kept in the basement of their temple. He still wants to touch them, though.
When he learns they're fake however, he decides to destroy them and uses the footage in their campaign video. •: The 'CyberDriver' mission sequence doesn't really have any strong motive besides the fact that the trailer demeans hackers in general as helpless script-kiddies, only with Marcus suggesting making their own version as a stunt. •: When you start the game, the Ubisoft logo sequence plays as normal. Until it's abruptly interrupted by DedSec's hacking.
•: How Marcus gets Lenni's Bunker RFID tag. Lenni, hacker-troll extraordinaire, would know instantly that Marcus is waving his phone around him for that reason so she refuses to let him near her. She doesn't even notice Wrench on the roof with a long-range scanner. •: The are Russian gangsters on the surface, but many members are Jewish as well. The Bratva and the Sons of Ragnarok are stated to be at war with each other due to the Sons' ties with neo-Nazi elements.
•: Telling from Marcus's garb, 'The Fox' has become an idol for any form of hacker. Judging from, he is a legend for his exploits in the previous game, not to mention infamous among people who profited from. As opposed to being the story of a lone vigilante seeking revenge against criminal psychopaths, Watch Dogs 2 has the more reasonable Marcus help free the masses from the corporations tying the Bay Area down. DedSec is shown to be an and a.
•: The 'Bratva' are minor antagonists encountered in a few missions, such as and in a DLC. The Human Condition DLC has Marcus fighting against the Russian Mafia. •: The Tidis Corporation, Umeni, and Blume reappear from the first game, with headquarters located in Silicon Valley, along with newcomers such as Nudle and!NVite, who are internet services. •: After Marcus and Wrench have a surprisingly sad conversation, we get this exchange.
Fuckin' A, man. •: The team meets T-Bone during Swelter Skelter while getting high on shrooms. •: A guy at the Swelter Skelter festival wears one of these. He's fairly normal-looking, so how attractive it is depends on personal taste. •: Played with in-story for pure laughs: an early mission has you stealing an of the car. Cue a massive chase through the city, with the car carrying on an actual conversation with Marcus.
Marcus is gushing about the idea of such an advanced AI actually existing. Until he notices a certain masked solemnly shaking his head, and realizes that Wrench had hacked the speaker in the car and had been taking the piss out of him. •: Marcus, and, Wrench. •: The early operations in the game were engineered by Blume to trick Silicon Valley into buying into ctOS 2.0, giving Blume greater control over the San Francisco Bay Area.
•: • Dušan testing Bellwether and other Blume resources by manipulating the stock market gets him thrown in prison at the end, and (with the current patch) inspired new DedSec and other hacktivist groups worldwide! • The plan by a group of hackers to publish a dox on DedSec would have succeeded had they not decided to test their release method by hacking payphones. •: Present as a 'CtOS engine override', and is powered by Marcus' botnet resources.
•: • Some of the buskers act in a similar manner to the World Famous Bushman, hiding behind leafy branches and scaring passing pedestrians. • is a combination between 2016 US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Which, as with!NVite, are both depicted very harshly. • Gene Carcani is an obvious one of Martin Shkreli, down to being described as 'the most hated man in America'. •: A mission in the No Compromise DLC has Marcus ambushed, knocked out, and his drones and guns taken away.
Unfortunately for your captors, they didn't take your phone or melee weapon. •: Why Marcus went after an internet troll - he streamers he was playing against and claimed it was a DedSec operation. •: In the side mission that involves getting rid of a malicious SWATting, Marcus takes care of him by giving 911 a call and make them think that a crime is going on in his house.
This includes making the man shout out death threats at his game, making one of his charging electronics explode, and making him scream with a, which are interpreted by the 911 operator respectively as a criminal shouting death threats at his victim, a gunshot, and a scream from the victim. •: It is theoretically possible to complete missions without ever resorting to lethal violence if you're clever enough to use traps to your advantage as well as non-lethal weaponry, including the Tidis mission in which you temporarily control a which has a taser.
Even in the final mission where you play as Wrench, he comes equipped with a non-lethal variation of the grenade launcher if you so choose. •: One of the side missions is Marcus hunting down and exposing a pedophile who is getting away through his to Haum. •: Literally in this case.
There are dogs that Marcus can pet in the city. • After completing the New Dawn quest to attack their compound you can hear guards talking about how one of their friends, a member, has quit due to the DedSec hack and their plans to help him hide from the church. • Dušan prevented the FBI from sending Wrench to Guantanamo Bay and got him released.
While he did have his motives, that was still above and beyond the call. •: The DedSec hackerspaces around the Bay Area serve as these, allowing Marcus to print new equipment and weapons, changing the clothing he wears or resting to change the time of day. •: You have to confirm you want to enter the final main mission of the game before you begin it. • Subverted in the 1.0.8 patch, as you can replay this mission as many times as you like. •: Wrench is beaten in the FBI's custody.
•: This game has a noticeably more optimistic atmosphere as opposed to the. •: Aiden Pearce can be aided in escaping capture at one point in the game by distracting a guard on. He doesn't talk, and never meets Marcus in person, but certainly leaves an impression. •: • Umeni security contractors appear as enemies.
Like the ctOS guards in the first game, some of them seem to have shady histories. • Tidis is also working on government contracts to design capable of being deployed to warzones and riots. •: Many of the missions are based off of the exploits of Anonymous and other semi-recent events, albeit with more flair.. •: The Team appears to have this going, with many different looks, including Wrench, who wears a digital mask.